Installation Steps for SBS 4.5 Part 1 (229758)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft BackOffice Small Business Server 4.5

This article was previously published under Q229758


When you install BackOffice Small Business Server (SBS) 4.5, you are prompted for important information to help you configure SBS. This article describes the Setup windows that are displayed as well as presenting the steps to install SBS. Helpful Microsoft Knowledge Base articles are also listed in and at the end of the article to offer additional assistance.

This article begins by installing SBS on a blank, unformatted hard drive, although you can use a formatted hard drive as well.

You need the three SBS 4.5 CDs, the Outlook 2000 CD, and the three SBS Setup floppy disks.
If you have the Office2000 version of SBS, the two Setup CDs are required.

Prior to starting the installation process, please read the following information:


To install SBS:
  1. Insert SBS Setup Floppy Disk 1 into the floppy drive, and insert SBS CD 1 into the CD-ROM drive. When prompted, insert floppy disk 2, and then press Enter.
  2. The first screen appears relating to mass storage detection.
    Setup automatically detects floppy disk controllers and standard
    ESDI/IDE hard disks without user intervention. However, on some
    computers detection of certain other mass storage devices, such as
    SCSI adapters and CD-ROM drives, can cause the computer to become
    unresponsive or to malfunction temporarily.

    For this reason, you can bypass Setup's mass storage device detection
    and manually select SCSI adapters, CD-ROM drives, and special disk
    controllers (such as drive arrays) for installation.

    • To continue, Press ENTER. Setup attempts to detect mass storage devices in your computer.
    • To skip mass storage device detection, press S. Setup allows you to manually select SCSI adapters, CD-ROM drives, and special disk controllers for installation.
    F3=Exit ENTER=continue S=Skip Detection
    Press ENTER, and insert disk 3 when prompted. The only reason to skip mass storage detection would be to save one to two minutes of your time. It is recommended that you NOT skip this step.
  3. After Setup completes the mass storage detection, the following screen appears:
    Setup has recognized the following mass storage devices in your computer:

    IDE CD-ROM (ATAPI 1.2)/PCI IDE Controller
    Adaptec AHA-294X/AHA-394X/AIC-78xx SCSI controller

    • To specify additional SCSI adapters, CD-ROM drives, or special disk controllers for use with Window NT, including those for which you have a device support disk from a mass storage device manufacturer, press S.
    • If you do not have any device support disks from a mass storage device manufacturer, or do not want to specify additional mass storage devices for use with Windows NT, press ENTER.
    S=Specify Additional Device ENTER=Continue F3= Exit
    The IDE and Adaptec driver listed above is provided as an example only.

    If you have a non-Hardware Compatibility List (HCL) SCSI controller or a controller that was not detected, you must Press S to specify. Another window then appears with "Other (Requires disk provided by a Hardware manufacturer). Press ENTER and you are then prompted to insert the hardware manufacturer's disk. Press ENTER again, select your controller from the list, and then press ENTER. When the windows refreshes and has your controller listed, press ENTER if there are no more controllers to add. Again, you are prompted to insert floppy disk 3. Insert floppy disk 3, and then press Enter.
  4. If the following window appears, your mass storage device may not be functioning, you may have specified the wrong mass storage device, or you may have used an incorrect driver for your mass storage device:
    Setup did not find any hard disk drives installed in your computer.

    Make sure any hard disk drives are powered on and properly connected to your computer, and that any disk-related hardware configuration is correct. This may involve running a manufacturer-supplied diagnostic or setup program.

    Setup cannot continue. Press F3 to exit.
    If this window appears, make sure the attached device is functioning or check to make sure you have specified the correct hard disk controller. If you have specified the correct controller, make sure the driver is the latest version supplied by the manufacturer.

    If this window does not appear, please ignore this step.
  5. The next window does not appear if you have already partitioned the drive. If the drive is already partitioned, please skip to step 6 below.
    Setup has determined that your computer's startup hard disk is new or has been erased, or that an operating system is installed on your computer with which Windows NT cannot coexist.
    If such an operating system is installed on your computer, continuing Setup may damage or destroy it.
    If the hard disk is new or has been erased, or you want to discard its current contents, you can choose to continue setup.
    To continue setup, press C.

    WARNING: Any data currently on your computer's startup hard disk are permanently lost. To exit setup, press F3.

    C=Continue Setup F3=Exit
    Press C to install. Pressing ENTER does nothing.
  6. If you did not insert SBS CD #1 into your CD-ROM drive, the following error message is displayed. If your SBS CD #1 is in the CD-ROM drive, the following error message does not appear and this step can be skipped.
    Please insert the compact disc labeled Microsoft BackOffice Small Business Server Disc 1 into your CD-ROM drive. Press ENTER when ready.
    If you do receive this error message, insert SBS CD #1, and then press ENTER.
  7. The next window appears to verify the configuration of your computer:
    Setup has determined that your computer contains the following hardware and software components:
    Computer:         MPS Uniprocessor PC
    Display:          Auto Detect
    Keyboard:         XT, AT, or Enhanced Keyboard (83 - 104 keys)
    Keyboard Layout:  US
    Pointing device:  Microsoft Mouse Port Mouse
    No Changes:       The above list matches my computer
    If you want to change any item in the list, press the UP or DOWN ARROW key to move the highlight to the item you want to change. Then press ENTER to see alternatives for that item.
    When all the items in the list are correct, move the highlight to "The above list matches my computer" and press ENTER.

    ENTER=Select F3=exit
    If you need to make any changes, use the UP or Down arrows to change an entry or Press ENTER when 'The above matches my computer' is highlighted.

    NOTE: The entries used above are examples only. The information that appears for your system may be different.
  8. Read this message carefully, as you are partitioning drive space now and can potentially lose any existing data.

    Follow Section a if your hard drive is blank and unpartitioned.
    Follow Section b if your hard drive is partitioned, but unformatted.
    Follow Section c if your hard drive is partitioned and formatted.
    1. If your hard drive is blank and unpartitioned, perform the following steps:
      1. The first partitioning window to appear is as follows:
        The list below shows existing partitions and spaces available for creating new partitions.

        Use the UP or DOWN ARROW keys to move the highlights to an item
        in the list.

        • To install Windows NT on the highlighted partition or not partitioned space, press ENTER.
        • To create a partition in the unpartitioned space, press C.
        • To delete the highlighted partition, press D.
        Highlight the unpartitioned space of the disk on which you intend to install SBS. If you want Setup to create a partition using all the free space, press ENTER. Otherwise, press C, and then specify the partition size you want to create.NOTE: You can create a small 200 MB or less partition system partition and then install SBS on another partition. Also, the largest possible partition for installation is 4 GB.

      2. After creating and specifying a partition, the following window appears:
        A new partition for Windows NT has been created on 2048MB Disk 0 at ID 0 on bus 0 on aic78xx.
        The partition must now be formatted.

        Select a file system for the new partition from the list below.
        Use the UP and DOWN ARROW keys to move the highlight to the file system you want and then press ENTER.

        If you want to select a different partition for Windows NT, press ESC.

        Format the partition using the FAT file system
        Format the partition using the NTFS file system
        Select the NTFS file system, and then press ENTER.

        NOTE: The drive information on the second line is provided as an example, and varies according to your system configuration.

        Formatting, copying, restart, convert, restart.
    2. If there is a partition on your drive, but it was not already formatted, perform the following steps:
      1. The first partitioning window to appear is as follows:

        The list below shows existing partitions and spaces available for creating new partitions.

        Use the UP or DOWN ARROW keys to move the highlights to an item in the list.

        • To install Windows NT on the highlighted partition or unpartitioned space, press ENTER.
        • To create a partition in the unpartitioned space, press C.
        • To delete the highlighted partition, press D.
        Highlight the partition on which you intend to install SBS, and then press ENTER.NOTE: You can create a small 200 MB or less system partition and then install SBS on another partition. You can also delete the current partition(s) by highlighting them, and then pressing D. A new partition can be created by pressing C, and then specifying the size.

      2. After choosing a partition, the following window appears:
        The partition you have chosen is recognized by Windows NT but is unformatted or damaged. Setup has to reformat this partition to install Windows NT on it.
        To continue and use this partition anyway, press C.
        Setup confirms this again later before actually reformatting the partition.
        If you want to select a different partition, press ESC.

        C=Continue Setup ESC=Cancel
        Press C to continue.
        You have asked to install NT on the partition
        E: Unformatted or damaged 2000 MB
        on 17360 MB Disk 0 at Id 0 on Bus 0 on aic78u2

        This partition is too full, damaged, not formatted, or not formatted with a file system recognized by Windows NT. To continue installing Windows NT on this partition, setup must format it.
        Select a file system for the partition from this list below.
        Use the UP and DOWN ARROW keys to move the highlight to the file system you want and then press ENTER.
        If you want to select a different partition for Windows NT, press ESC.

        Format the partition using the FAT file system
        Format the partition using the NTFS file system
        ENTER=Continue ESC=Cancel

        Select the NTFS file system, and then press ENTER.

    3. If the drive was already partitioned and formatted, perform the following steps:
      1. The first partitioning window to appear is as follows:
        The list below shows existing partitions and spaces available for creating new partitions.

        Use the UP or DOWN ARROW keys to move the highlights to an item in the list.

        • To install Windows NT on the highlighted partition or unpartitioned space, press ENTER.
        • To create a partition in the unpartitioned space, press C.
        • To delete the highlighted partition, press D.
        Highlight the partition on which you intend to install SBS, and then press ENTER.
      2. The next windows displays the following message:
        Format the partition using the FAT file system
        Format the partition using the NTFS file system
        Leave the current file system intact (no changes)
        Select leave intact if you do not want to change it and do not want to lose the existing data on the drive. Otherwise, select the NTFS file system, and then press ENTER.

        NOTE: The partition needs to be converted to NTFS later if it is not already converted.
      3. If SBS has been installed on this partition before, the following error message may be displayed. If the error message is not displayed, skip to step 9.
        The directory you have chosen already exists and may contain a Windows NT installation. If you continue, the existing Windows NT installation is overwritten. Your user account and security information and configuration settings are lost.
        • To use the directory you have chosen and overwrite the existing Windows NT installation in it, press ENTER.
        • To use a different directory, press ESC.
        • To upgrade the installation, press F3 to exit Setup.
          Then start Setup and chose to upgrade when Setup suggests upgrading this installation.
        Press ENTER to continue and overwrite the files. Do NOT specify a different folder.
  9. If you chose to format the partition in the previous section, formatting occurs at this point in the Setup process. After the drive has been formatted, or if you chose not to format, Setup begins copying files to the hard drive.

    If you had to use the manufacturer's disk previously, you are prompted again to insert it at this point.

    After Setup finishes copying files to the hard drive, the system is restarted. Remove the SBS floppy from the floppy drive before the system restarts, or the following error message is displayed:
    Non-system disk or disk error
    Replace and strike any key when ready
    NOTE: If you chose to format the partition NTFS, the partition is converted to NTFS after the computer is first restarted. After the drive has been formatted, the server is restarted again before continuing with the Setup process.NOTE: For additional information about systems with utility partitions created by a non-Microsoft utility, please click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

    225309 Partitions Created w/Non-MS Utilities Cause "NTDETECT Failed"

  10. After Setup initializes and copies files, it presents you with the Name and Organization window. You are now able to name the server and the domain, which cannot be changed without re-installing SBS.

    For addition information about renaming, please click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

    196443 SBS: Changing Domain or Computer Name

    When you type the Organization name, Domain Name is added automatically using the same name as what you typed in the Organization text box. Computer Name is also automatically added, which is the Organization name and then 01 (for example, organization01). Computer and Domain name boxes are unavailable (grayed out) until you start typing in the Organization text box.

    After you complete typing in this information, click Next.
  11. Setup now begins installing Windows NT Networking. The following window appears when this process begins:
    Setup is now ready to guide you through installation of Windows NT networking. If you want to review or change any settings before continuing, click Back.

    To begin installing NT Networking, click

    1) Gathering information about your computer.
    2) Installing Windows NT Networking
    3) Finishing Setup
    Click Next to begin Networking Setup.
  12. While Networking on the server is being configured, the following window appears:
    Windows NT is now ready to install networking components that you selected and others required by the system.
    This process allows individual components to install themselves and raise dialogs so that they may install correctly.
    Installing (Services)
    NOTE: The installing line changes to the following as Setup installs services:

    • The network card driver
    • Server
    • Workstation
    • Remote Access Service
    • DHCP Winsock
    • Storing bindings
    While networking is being installed, it is possible for errors to occur. If you run into errors, please see the section below. If not, continue on to step 13.

    • Network Card Errors

      You may receive the following error message if there is no detected network card:
      A setup parameter specified by your system administrator or computer manufacturer is missing or invalid. Setup may therefore ask you to provide this information.
      You may wish to inform your system administrator or computer manufacturer that the "Detectadapters" value is missing or invalid.
      Click OK.

      If there is a problem with the network card, you can click BACK a few times to the Network Adapter dialog box, and then click "Select from List". Scroll down to "MS Loopback Adapter", click OK, and then click NEXT.

      The MS Loopback Adapter is installed automatically if a network card is not detected.

      You may also want to reference the following articles for network card related problems.

      For additional information about network card related problems, please click the article numbers below to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

      224800 SBS 4.5 Setup Does Not Automatically Detect 8255x Intel Adapter

      225260 Problems Installing Modem Sharing Service with Two Network Cards

      224314 Misdetection of Intel PRO/100+ Adapters May Result in a Blue Screen Error Message

      220828 Network Adapter Detected Incorrectly

      222489 Setting Up SBS Without a Network Adapter Being Detected

      224984 SBS Setup May Install Incorrect Intel Network Adapter

    • Modem Problems

      If there is no modem installed, or if Setup cannot detect your modem, the following error message may be displayed:
      Remote Access is not configured with any ports. You have an invalid RAS configuration. Please configure Remote Access Service and add ports using the Network option in Control Panel after restarting the system.
      Click OK to continue without installing a modem. The modem can be installed later after the Windows NT portion of Setup is complete.

      For additional information about resolving modem problems, please click the article numbers below to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

      217120 Some Modems Cause SBS to Display Misleading Message on Restart

      218043 'The Modem Was Not Installed Correctly' Error During SBS Setup

      218038 SBS 4.5 Install Seems Unresponsive During Modem Detection Phase

      185452 Small Business Server Detects Standard Modem

    • Other Network Errors

      If the following network error message is displayed, there is still something wrong with the network configuration.
      The network failed to start (0x0000042a)
      If you try you may go back and check previous settings, then when you return to this page Windows NT tries to start the network again.
      If you cancel, Network Setup is cancelled. You may retry to configure networking on this computer after completing the rest of setup by using the Network Control Panel.
      By pressing Cancel, you can continue Setup.

      Press the OK button.
      This finishes the installation but does not install RAS. Networking Setup has to be completed after the Windows NT portion of Setup is finished.
    After the above steps are completed, several dialog boxes appear, but there is no interaction needed until the Date/Time Properties window appears. Click the down arrow, and a list of time zones appears. Select your time zone, and then click Close.Setup continues and again, several non-interactive dialog boxes appear explaining what is currently taking place in the Setup process. For example, copying files, setting security on the file system, saving configuration, and removing temporary files. After this process is complete, the system restarts.

    After the system has restarted, the system logs on automatically with the Administrator account. The "Welcome to Windows NT" dialog box appears. Click Close to continue.The Welcome window is the first window displayed after the computer is restarted.
    Welcome to the Microsoft BackOffice Small Business Server 4.5 Setup Wizard

    This wizard installs BackOffice Small Business Server on
    your computer to provide all the services your business

    IMPORTANT: Your current operating system is NT Server 4.0. Small Business Server requires Windows NT Server 4.0, Service Pack 4. BackOffice Setup upgrades your system to NT Server 4.0, Service Pack 4.
    Click Next to begin the installation of Service Pack 4.

    NOTE: The Back button option is unavailable.The license agreement is then displayed. Read the license agreement, click "I agree", and then click Next.

    NOTE: Next is unavailable until you click on one of the two radio button options to agree or disagree. If you click "I do not agree", Setup is halted at that point. If you click on "I agree" and then Next, Setup continues.The next window to appear is the Identification screen. Please verify that your Name and Organization Name are correct, and type your CD Key when prompted. Your CD Key can be found on the yellow sticker on the back of your SBS 4.5 CD case. Click Next.

    NOTE: The Name and Organization is filled in already with the names you previously entered. Also, Next is unavailable until you type the last character of the CD Key.Setup continues by copying files to your hard drive. After this process is completed, the Installed Modems dialog box appears. This window allows you to see the modems that were detected, and correct any problems with the modem installation.

    • If a red X is next to your modem, it was not detected properly. You must specify the correct modem and supply a driver disk.
    • If a yellow triangle is next to your modem, Setup could not verify the modem. Please make sure the modem is correct, and make sure the latest driver from the modem's manufacturer has been used.
    • If a telephone is next to your modem, the modem is installed properly.
    After the modem information is correct, you can continue by clicking Next.

    NOTE: If you have a Digiboard or Equinox board, this is point in Setup where you can install them.

    Click Change, and then follow the manufacturer's installation directions.

    With the Digiboard, browse to the autorun, which brings up a screen and select "Install Software" on the right top corner.
    You must restart after you install the multiport board. SBS logs on automatically again. You must click Change again and detect the modem. Then restart the computer again.If no modem is installed after the last step, the following error message may be displayed. If your modem was installed in the last step, you can skip this step.
    There is no modem installed on the computer. Microsoft Fax Server and Modem Share Service is not installed. Do you want to proceed anyway?
    Clicking No gives you the opportunity to install another modem. If you click Yes, Setup continues on without installing the Fax and Modem Sharing services.

    If there is no modem detected, the following error message may appear later on as well.
    Remote Access is not configured with any ports. You have an invalid RAS configuration. Please configure Remote Access Service and add ports using the Network option in Control Panel after restarting the system.
    The Hardware Verification dialog box appears next, and allows you to make changes to the drivers for hardware. This eliminates any need to cancel Setup to configure hardware. Verify the information is correct before continuing.

    You can change the drivers or add hardware by pressing Change.

    The More Information button lists additional steps including "Installing Two Identical Network Interface Cards", "Video Display", and "Network Interface Card is not Detected", which guides users through removing the MS Loopback adapter and installing a network interface card.

    Click Next to continue the installation of SBS.

    You may encounter one or more of the following errors if your system is not configured properly:

    If there is no network card, the following error message is displayed:
    There is no network adapter installed on this computer. Small Business Server requires a network adapter to operate correctly. Do you want to proceed anyway?
    If the video settings are not correct, the following error message may be displayed:
    Small Business Server requires your desktop area to be 800 by 600 pixels. Your video card should display at least 16 colors. Press OK to continue with your current settings or press Cancel and then Change to change your video adapter.
    Click OK to continue, and you can make changes or add a video driver later.

    For additional information about video drivers, please click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

    199085 Non-Detected Video Adapter Defaults to 640 x 480

    If there is more than one network card or if you have a Digiboard installed, the following error message may be displayed:
    Setup has detected that there is more than one network adapter installed. It is recommended that network adapters beyond the first one listed be removed before continuing with Setup. Click OK to continue with Setup, or click Cancel, and then click More Information for further details.
    If you have a multiport board, ignore this step. If you have multiple network cards, you may want to remove one of them.
    Setup is installing Windows NT Service Pack 4. Your computer is restarted when Service Pack installation is complete.


For additional information about SBS installation issues, please click the article number below to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

177205 How to Add an OEM SCSI Controller During SBS Installation

184810 SBS Console, Fax Server, and Modem Sharing Require TCP/IP

194507 Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 4 Readme.txt File (40-bit)

200866 Backup Domain Controller in a Small Business Server Domain

230735 Installation Steps for SBS 4.5 Part 2

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:9/7/2006
Keywords:kbinfo KB229758