A Microsoft Window 2000-based client may not be installed. The Wn_remote.log file may be encrypted. When you gain access to the Wn_remote.log file, the first run shows that client assignment did not succeed because of an incorrect IP address:
ASSIGNMENT *************************************** $$<CliEx32.dll>
Before adding new sites, there are 1 site keys and 0 sites in the site list $$<CliEx32.dll>
Site Key #0: "MEX" $$<CliEx32.dll>
Some sites in the registry are not assigned $$<CliEx32.dll>
Assessing assignment state from "MSWNET:\\SERVER1\SMSLOGON\SITES\S01" $$<CliEx32.dll>
Calling GetAccessiblePath with MSWNET:\\SERVER1\SMSLOGON\SITES\S01\ $$<CliEx32.dll>
CHK ASSMT : To become assigned, the potential client must match the follwing 'IP Subnets' data. Using DLL 'SMSDISCV.DLL', Entry Point 'GetSMSAssignmentStatus' to fetch this data. $$<CliEx32.dll> $$<CliEx32.dll> $$<CliEx32.dll>
CardIndex 0, MACAddress 00:10:5A:19:AB:E1, IPAddress, IPSubnet, IPXAddress 00000001:00105A19ABE1, IPXSubnet 00000001 $$<CliEx32.dll>
CardIndex 1, MACAddress 2A:C2:20:52:AB:53, IPAddress, IPSubnet, IPXAddress 00000000:2AC22052AB53, IPXSubnet 00000000 $$<CliEx32.dll>
Invalid IPX Address: 00000000:2AC22052AB53. IPX Network Number is ZERO. $$<CliEx32.dll>
Card at index 1 is not valid for assignment~ $$<CliEx32.dll>
Function return - Client not assigned $$<CliEx32.dll>
After adding any new sites, there are 1 site keys and 0 sites in the site list $$<CliEx32.dll>
Site Key #0: "S01" $$<CliEx32.dll>
Not writing Site List data back to the registry (no new sites) $$<CliEx32.dll>
Function return - Client not assigned $$<CliEx32.dll>
After adding any new sites, there are 1 site keys and 0 sites in the site list $$<CliEx32.dll>
Site Key #0: "S01" $$<CliEx32.dll>
Not writing Site List data back to the registry (no new sites) $$<CliEx32.dll>
Client is not assigned to any sites - finished. $$<CliEx32.dll>
ReWriteSitesRegistry returning 28931 $$<CliEx32.dll>
Finished CliEx processing. $$<C:\SMSDIR\MS\SMS\CORE\BIN\Boot32wn.exe>
After a reboot, you see that CliEx32 did not initialize:
Begin CliEx processing. $$<C:\WINNT\MS\SMS\CORE\BIN\Boot32wn.exe>
ERROR: Load of DLL CliEx32.dll failed (C:\SMSDIR\MS\SMS\CORE\BIN\cliex32.dll) The specified module could not be found.~~ $$<C:\WINNT\MS\SMS\CORE\BIN\Boot32wn.exe>
ERROR: Initializing CliEx failed error code 126 $$<C:\WINNT\MS\SMS\CORE\BIN\Boot32wn.exe>
Unable to continue; exiting $$<C:\WINNT\MS\SMS\CORE\BIN\Boot32wn.exe>
The next two reboots will show Client Configuration Manager (CCM) attempting to install the client but not succeeding.