When you switch from another program to Microsoft Expedia Streets and Trips 2000, you may receive the following error message
Couldn't find the Microsoft Expedia Streets & Trips 2000 CD-ROM in
drive cd-rom:. Ensure that the CD is correctly
inserted in your cd-rom: drive, then click OK (or
click Cancel to exit the application).
cd-rom is the drive letter of your CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive.
If you click
Cancel, you quit the program. If you click
OK or attempt to use the program without inserting the CD-ROM, you receive the following error message on a blue screen:
Error Reading CD-ROM in Drive cd-rom:
Please insert CD-ROM
With Serial Number xxxx-xxxx in Drive cd-rom:
If the CD-ROM is still in the drive, it may require cleaning.
Press ENTER for OK, or press ESC to Cancel: OK
cd-rom is the drive letter of your CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive.
If you press
ENTER without inserting the CD-ROM, the error message remains on the screen. If you press
ESC without inserting the CD-ROM, an empty Expedia Streets and Trips 2000 window is displayed on the screen, and the computer may stop responding (hang).
If you insert the CD-ROM and then press
ENTER, you can continue to use Expedia Streets and Trips 2000. However, if you do not click
OK to close the error message, the computer may eventually hang.