How To Call GetNetworkParams/GetAdaptersInfo From Visual Basic (223025)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Windows 2000 Server
  • Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server
  • Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional
  • Microsoft Visual Basic Learning Edition for Windows 6.0
  • Microsoft Visual Basic Learning Edition for Windows 5.0
  • Microsoft Visual Basic Professional Edition for Windows 6.0
  • Microsoft Visual Basic Professional Edition for Windows 5.0
  • Microsoft Visual Basic Enterprise Edition for Windows 6.0
  • Microsoft Visual Basic Enterprise Edition for Windows 5.0
  • Microsoft Visual Basic Control Creation Edition for Windows 5.0
  • Microsoft Visual Basic Standard Edition, 32-bit, for Windows 4.0
  • Microsoft Visual Basic Professional Edition, 32-bit, for Windows 4.0
  • Microsoft Visual Basic Enterprise Edition, 32-bit, for Windows 4.0
  • Microsoft Windows 98
  • Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition

This article was previously published under Q223025


This article illustrates how to programmatically retrieve IP configuration information similar to the IPCONFIG.EXE utility. It demonstrates how to use the IP Helper APIs GetNetworkParams() and GetAdaptersInfo() from Visual Basic.

The libraries called by the code sample in this article are only supported on the following platforms:

Microsoft Windows 2000
Microsoft Windows 98
Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition (Me)

Running it on any other platform results in an error.


  1. Start a new Visual Basic Standard EXE project. Form1 is created by default.
  2. On the Project menu, click Remove Form1.
  3. On the Project menu, click Add Module. Module1 is created by default.
  4. Paste the following code in the General Declarations section of Module1:
    Public Const MAX_HOSTNAME_LEN = 132
    Public Const MAX_DOMAIN_NAME_LEN = 132
    Public Const MAX_SCOPE_ID_LEN = 260
    Public Const MAX_ADAPTER_NAME_LENGTH = 260
    Public Const ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW = 111
    Public Const MIB_IF_TYPE_ETHERNET = 6
    Public Const MIB_IF_TYPE_TOKENRING = 9
    Public Const MIB_IF_TYPE_FDDI = 15
    Public Const MIB_IF_TYPE_PPP = 23
    Public Const MIB_IF_TYPE_LOOPBACK = 24
    Public Const MIB_IF_TYPE_SLIP = 28
                Next As Long
                IpAddress As String * 16
                IpMask As String * 16
                Context As Long
    End Type
                Next As Long
                ComboIndex As Long
                AdapterName As String * MAX_ADAPTER_NAME_LENGTH
                Description As String * MAX_ADAPTER_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH
                AddressLength As Long
                Address(MAX_ADAPTER_ADDRESS_LENGTH - 1) As Byte
                Index As Long
                Type As Long
                DhcpEnabled As Long
                CurrentIpAddress As Long
                IpAddressList As IP_ADDR_STRING
                GatewayList As IP_ADDR_STRING
                DhcpServer As IP_ADDR_STRING
                HaveWins As Byte
                PrimaryWinsServer As IP_ADDR_STRING
                SecondaryWinsServer As IP_ADDR_STRING
                LeaseObtained As Long
                LeaseExpires As Long
    End Type
                HostName As String * MAX_HOSTNAME_LEN
                DomainName As String * MAX_DOMAIN_NAME_LEN
                CurrentDnsServer As Long
                DnsServerList As IP_ADDR_STRING
                NodeType As Long
                ScopeId  As String * MAX_SCOPE_ID_LEN
                EnableRouting As Long
                EnableProxy As Long
                EnableDns As Long
    End Type
    Public Declare Function GetNetworkParams Lib "IPHlpApi.dll" _
           (FixedInfo As Any, pOutBufLen As Long) As Long
    Public Declare Function GetAdaptersInfo Lib "IPHlpApi.dll" _
           (IpAdapterInfo As Any, pOutBufLen As Long) As Long
    Public Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _
           (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
    Sub main()
        Dim error As Long
        Dim FixedInfoSize As Long
        Dim AdapterInfoSize As Long
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim PhysicalAddress  As String
        Dim NewTime As Date
        Dim AdapterInfo As IP_ADAPTER_INFO
        Dim AddrStr As IP_ADDR_STRING
        Dim FixedInfo As FIXED_INFO
        Dim Buffer As IP_ADDR_STRING
        Dim pAddrStr As Long
        Dim pAdapt As Long
        Dim Buffer2 As IP_ADAPTER_INFO
        Dim FixedInfoBuffer() As Byte
        Dim AdapterInfoBuffer() As Byte
        ' Get the main IP configuration information for this machine
        ' using a FIXED_INFO structure.
        FixedInfoSize = 0
        error = GetNetworkParams(ByVal 0&, FixedInfoSize)
        If error <> 0 Then
            If error <> ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW Then
               MsgBox "GetNetworkParams sizing failed with error " & error
               Exit Sub
            End If
        End If
        ReDim FixedInfoBuffer(FixedInfoSize - 1)
        error = GetNetworkParams(FixedInfoBuffer(0), FixedInfoSize)
        If error = 0 Then
                CopyMemory FixedInfo, FixedInfoBuffer(0), FixedInfoSize
                MsgBox "Host Name:  " & FixedInfo.HostName
                MsgBox "DNS Servers:  " & FixedInfo.DnsServerList.IpAddress
                pAddrStr = FixedInfo.DnsServerList.Next
                Do While pAddrStr <> 0
                      CopyMemory Buffer, ByVal pAddrStr, LenB(Buffer)
                      MsgBox "DNS Servers:  " & Buffer.IpAddress
                      pAddrStr = Buffer.Next
                Select Case FixedInfo.NodeType
                           Case 1
                                      MsgBox "Node type: Broadcast"
                           Case 2
                                      MsgBox "Node type: Peer to peer"
                           Case 4
                                      MsgBox "Node type: Mixed"
                           Case 8
                                      MsgBox "Node type: Hybrid"
                           Case Else
                                      MsgBox "Unknown node type"
                End Select
                MsgBox "NetBIOS Scope ID:  " & FixedInfo.ScopeId
                If FixedInfo.EnableRouting Then
                           MsgBox "IP Routing Enabled "
                           MsgBox "IP Routing not enabled"
                End If
                If FixedInfo.EnableProxy Then
                           MsgBox "WINS Proxy Enabled "
                           MsgBox "WINS Proxy not Enabled "
                End If
                If FixedInfo.EnableDns Then
                          MsgBox "NetBIOS Resolution Uses DNS "
                          MsgBox "NetBIOS Resolution Does not use DNS  "
                End If
                MsgBox "GetNetworkParams failed with error " & error
                Exit Sub
        End If
        ' Enumerate all of the adapter specific information using the
        ' IP_ADAPTER_INFO structure.
        ' Note:  IP_ADAPTER_INFO contains a linked list of adapter entries.
        AdapterInfoSize = 0
        error = GetAdaptersInfo(ByVal 0&, AdapterInfoSize)
        If error <> 0 Then
            If error <> ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW Then
               MsgBox "GetAdaptersInfo sizing failed with error " & error
               Exit Sub
            End If
        End If
        ReDim AdapterInfoBuffer(AdapterInfoSize - 1)
        ' Get actual adapter information
        error = GetAdaptersInfo(AdapterInfoBuffer(0), AdapterInfoSize)
        If error <> 0 Then
           MsgBox "GetAdaptersInfo failed with error " & error
           Exit Sub
        End If
        ' Allocate memory
         CopyMemory AdapterInfo, AdapterInfoBuffer(0), AdapterInfoSize
        pAdapt = AdapterInfo.Next
         CopyMemory Buffer2, AdapterInfo, AdapterInfoSize
           Select Case Buffer2.Type
                  Case MIB_IF_TYPE_ETHERNET
                       MsgBox "Adapter name: Ethernet adapter "
                  Case MIB_IF_TYPE_TOKENRING
                       MsgBox "Adapter name: Token Ring adapter "
                  Case MIB_IF_TYPE_FDDI
                       MsgBox "Adapter name: FDDI adapter "
                  Case MIB_IF_TYPE_PPP
                       MsgBox "Adapter name: PPP adapter"
                  Case MIB_IF_TYPE_LOOPBACK
                       MsgBox "Adapter name: Loopback adapter "
                  Case MIB_IF_TYPE_SLIP
                       MsgBox "Adapter name: Slip adapter "
                  Case Else
                       MsgBox "Adapter name: Other adapter "
           End Select
           MsgBox "AdapterDescription: " & Buffer2.Description
           PhysicalAddress = ""
           For i = 0 To Buffer2.AddressLength - 1
               PhysicalAddress = PhysicalAddress & Hex(Buffer2.Address(i))
               If i < Buffer2.AddressLength - 1 Then
                  PhysicalAddress = PhysicalAddress & "-"
               End If
           MsgBox "Physical Address: " & PhysicalAddress
           If Buffer2.DhcpEnabled Then
              MsgBox "DHCP Enabled "
              MsgBox "DHCP disabled"
           End If
           MsgBox "IP Address: " & Buffer2.IpAddressList.IpAddress
           MsgBox "Subnet Mask: " & Buffer2.IpAddressList.IpMask
           pAddrStr = Buffer2.IpAddressList.Next
           Do While pAddrStr <> 0
              CopyMemory Buffer, Buffer2.IpAddressList, LenB(Buffer)
              MsgBox "IP Address: " & Buffer.IpAddress
              MsgBox "Subnet Mask: " & Buffer.IpMask
              pAddrStr = Buffer.Next
              If pAddrStr <> 0 Then
                 CopyMemory Buffer2.IpAddressList, ByVal pAddrStr, _
              End If
           MsgBox "Default Gateway: " & Buffer2.GatewayList.IpAddress
           pAddrStr = Buffer2.GatewayList.Next
           Do While pAddrStr <> 0
              CopyMemory Buffer, Buffer2.GatewayList, LenB(Buffer)
              MsgBox "IP Address: " & Buffer.IpAddress
              pAddrStr = Buffer.Next
              If pAddrStr <> 0 Then
                 CopyMemory Buffer2.GatewayList, ByVal pAddrStr, _
              End If
           MsgBox "DHCP Server: " & Buffer2.DhcpServer.IpAddress
           MsgBox "Primary WINS Server: " & _
           MsgBox "Secondary WINS Server: " & _
           ' Display time.
           NewTime = DateAdd("s", Buffer2.LeaseObtained, #1/1/1970#)
           MsgBox "Lease Obtained: " & _
                  CStr(Format(NewTime, "dddd, mmm d hh:mm:ss yyyy"))
           NewTime = DateAdd("s", Buffer2.LeaseExpires, #1/1/1970#)
           MsgBox "Lease Expires :  " & _
                  CStr(Format(NewTime, "dddd, mmm d hh:mm:ss yyyy"))
           pAdapt = Buffer2.Next
           If pAdapt <> 0 Then
               CopyMemory AdapterInfo, ByVal pAdapt, AdapterInfoSize
            End If
          Loop Until pAdapt = 0
    End Sub
  5. Press the F5 key to run the project, click OK on each of the message boxes that are displayed, and note the results.
Running this sample as compiled, EXE gives the following error message at the end:
Runtime error 10: this array is fixed and temporary locked.
Running this inside IDE generates IPF at VB6.EXE at the end.


For additional information, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q193059 INFO: IP Helper APIs Add Net Config and Stat Info to Win32 Apps

Q234573 BUG:IPHelper API Do Not Work Correctly After Install IE 5.0 on Windows 98

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:12/21/2004
Keywords:kbAPI kbhowto kbIPHelp KB223025