When you attempt to import a Schedule+ file, running Outlook under Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, with Service Pack 4 installed, you may receive the following series of error messages:
Translation Error
An error has occurred in the Schedule+ 7.0 translator while trying to attach a translator.
Unable to logon to Schedule+. Schedule+ may be busy exporting a file or waiting to synchronize with the host. Or if you have created a new profile you may need to run Schedule+ before Importing data.
If you click OK, double-click the Schdpl32.exe file, and choose to create a new .scd file in the default location, you may receive the following error message:
Select Local Schedule
c:\Program files\Microsoft Office\Office\1033\<username>.scd
You do not have permission to open this file.
See the owner of the file or an administrator to obtain permission.
If you click OK, and choose to save the file to your desktop, you may receive the following error message:
Microsoft Outlook Calendar
There was a problem accessing your preferences file. A new one will be created using the default tabs. Access is denied.
When you click OK, Schedule+ will open.
If you open Outlook to try the import again, you may get a repeat of the "Microsoft Outlook Calendar" message above. However, the import may complete successfully.