In Visual FoxPro 6.0, if the header file containing invalid command syntax is included in a form in the Form Designer or in a class using the Class Designer, the following error message appears:
Fatal Error : Exception code = C0000005
In Visual FoxPro 5.0a running under Windows NT 4.0, the following error appears:
An application error has occurred and an application error log is being created.
Exception:access violation (Oxc0000005), Address: 0x006b0f7f
In Visual FoxPro 5.0a running on Windows 98, the following error may appear:
This program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down.
VFP caused an invalid page fault in module VFP.EXE at 015f:006b455b
Using the #INCLUDE command to include the header file generates a compile error or, if it is in a PRG, an error log file is created.