The distribution task reports the following error:
Last distributor job ID and last subscriber job ID do not match. No jobs were available with job ID > %.d
This problem occurs when the MSlast_job_info table at the subscriber is not
synchronized with the MSsubscriber_status table at the distributor. This problem may also happen if the publisher is unpublished and then published again.
To work around this problem, synchronize the MSlast_job_info table with the MSsubscriber_status table. To do this, do the following:
- On the distribution database, run the following:
declare @dist_job_id int
select @dist_job_id=max (job_id) from MSsubscriber_status where
publisher_id=<pub_id> and publisher_db=<publishing_db_name>
and subscriber_id=<sub_id> and subsriber_db=<subscribing_db_name>
- On the subscriber database, run the following:
use <subscribing_db_name>
update MSlast_job_info set job_id=<@dist_job_id> where publisher=<publ_server_name>
and publisher_db=<publishing_db_name>
If you encounter this error after subscribing to a publication from a subscriber, you can set the job_id to 0. If all the subscriptions come from the same server, you can drop the MSlast_jobs_info table at the subscriber and then re-run the distribution task.