Before you uninstall Internet Explorer 5, quit all running programs. For
information about problems that can occur if you do not quit all running
programs before uninstalling Internet Explorer 5, please see the following
article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
165646 Program Settings Lost After Internet Explorer Setup or Uninstall
When you uninstall Internet Explorer 5, you cannot uninstall Internet Explorer 4. The only supported way of uninstalling Internet Explorer 4 is to manually uninstall it. For information about how to manually uninstall Internet Explorer 4, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
174265 How to Uninstall Internet Explorer 4.0
This information only applies to Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5 for Windows 95 and NT 4.0.
To uninstall Internet Explorer 5 in Microsoft Windows 95, Microsoft Windows 98, or Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, use the following steps.
NOTE: You must have administrative privileges to install and uninstall Internet Explorer 5 in Windows NT. This includes having administrative privileges the first time you start your computer after installing or uninstalling Internet Explorer 5.
- Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
- Double-click Add/Remove Programs, and then click the
Install/Uninstall tab.
- In the list of installed programs, click Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 and Internet Tools, and then click Add/Remove.
- Click Restore the previous Windows configuration, or click Advanced to specify any additional components you want to remove.
- Click OK. The Internet Explorer 5 and Internet Tools Setup screen appears. This portion of Setup is referred to as Maintenance mode.
- When Setup starts, click OK to restore the previous version of Internet Explorer and shared components. You are prompted to verify that you want to restore the previous version. Click Yes to start the uninstall process. When the uninstall process is completed, click Restart Windows when you are prompted to do so.
NOTE: If the Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 and Internet Tools entry is not displayed on the list of installed programs on the
Install/Uninstall tab, view the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base to view additional troubleshooting steps:
246548 Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 and Internet Tools Entry Missing from Add/Remove Programs
Known Issues with Uninstalling Internet Explorer 5
- Microsoft Office 97 programs may have problems with Internet functionality after you uninstall Internet Explorer 5. These problems occur only if you install Internet Explorer 5 before you install Office 97, and then uninstall Internet Explorer 5. For additional information, click the article number below
to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
174431 OFF97: Problems Occur After Removing MS Internet Explorer 4.0
When you uninstall Internet Explorer 5, any certificates obtained
after you installed Internet Explorer 5 are removed. If new
certificates were added after installing Internet Explorer 5, a
warning dialog box appears indicating that you will lose the new
certificates if you proceed. You are then given the option of
continuing to uninstall or canceling the process and manually exporting
the new certificates to a file. Certificates that obtained prior
to installing Internet Explorer 5 are not removed.
Some registry entries and files remain on your computer (for example, Microsoft Office 2000 may not work after uninstalling Internet Explorer 5). To resolve this behavior, install Internet Explorer 5.
- All components may not be uninstalled. You can uninstall individual components by double-clicking Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel, clicking the program in the list of installed programs, and then
clicking Add/Remove.
- If you install Internet Explorer 5, install a program, and then
uninstall Internet Explorer 5, some programs may not work properly.
If a program does not work properly after uninstalling Internet Explorer 5, reinstall the program.
- If you uninstall Internet Explorer 5, Internet icons may remain in
other programs such as Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. If you click
these icons, nothing happens because no browser is installed.
- Uninstalling Internet Explorer 5 deletes the contents of your Temporary Internet Files folder.
- After you run Microsoft Windows 98 Setup, you are unable to uninstall Internet Explorer version 5.For additional information about how to uninstall Internet Explorer after you install Windows 98, click the article number below
to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
222564 Unable to Uninstall Internet Explorer After Windows 98 Setup
For additional information about how to manually uninstall Internet Explorer for Windows 95, click the article number below
to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
243678 How to Manually Uninstall Internet Explorer 5 for Windows 95
General Troubleshooting
If Maintenance-mode Setup does not work or you cannot run Setup, try one
of the following methods:
- In Windows 95 and Windows 98, restart your computer in Safe
mode, and then use the Add/Remove Programs tool in Control Panel to
uninstall Internet Explorer 5. To restart your computer in Safe mode, follow these steps:
- Click Start, click Shut Down, click Restart, and then click OK.
- When you see the "Starting Windows 95" message, press the
F8 key, or press and hold the CTRL key in Windows 98 when the computer restarts.
- Choose Safe Mode from the Startup menu, and then press ENTER.
- Reinstall Internet Explorer 5, and then uninstall it.
- Reinstall your operating system and previous browser in a new
folder, or restore from a complete system backup made before
installing Internet Explorer 5.
Additional Information
All uninstall information, including the Uninstall folder, is hidden. The
ATTRIB command must be used to remove the hidden attribute from the files
before they can be viewed.
Possible Internet Explorer uninstall information files, their locations, and a general description of their purpose are listed below.
Files in the Program Files\Internet Explorer folder:
File name Description
Ie5bak.dat Backed up core files replaced by Internet Explorer 5
Ie5bak.ini List of items in the Ie5bak.dat file
Ie4regun Backed up core registry entries modified by Internet
Explorer 5
Files in the Program Files\Internet Explorer\Uninstall Information folder:
File name Description
Ainf0000 Backed up registry entries of modified add-ons
Ainf0001 Backed up registry entries of modified add-ons
Ainf0002 Backed up registry entries of modified add-ons
Ainf0003 Backed up registry entries of modified add-ons
NOTE: There are no Ainf
nnnn files in a Windows NT 4.0 installation. Instead, the information is kept in the Windows NT 4.0 registry.
File name Description
Ie5bakex.dat Backed up VB and OnLine Service Provider files
Ie5bakex.ini List of files in the Ie5bakex.dat file
Ie5extra.dat Backed up FTP folders and TrueType font files
Ie5extra.ini List of files in the Ie5extra.dat file
mobile Option Pack.dat Backup of subscription manager and channels
mobile Option Pack.ini List of files in Mobile Option Pack.dat file
Mstask.dat Backed up Task Manager files
Mstask.ini List of files in the Mstask.dat file
NOTE: The following files exist only if the Internet Explorer 4 Windows Desktop Update component is installed before you install Internet Explorer 5 Beta:
File name Description
Integr~1.dat Integrated Browser backup of previous shell files
Integr~1.ini List of files in Integrated Browser.dat file