This article provides a programmatic workaround for the
problem described in the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article:
157174 Windows NT Logon Script Does Not Run on Windows 95 RAS Client
On Win9x, if a mobile user tries to log on to a domain when the
mobile machine is not connected, the user will receive the following error
No Domain Server was available to validate your
password. You may not be able to gain access to some network resources. OK,
If the user clicks
OK and then later uses RAS to dial in to a domain, the logon script
won't run because the machine assumes it has already logged on to the domain.
The workaround is to call the 16-bit LAN Man API NetWkstaSetUID2 to
programmatically log off the domain before using RAS to dial into the
The 16-bit Microsoft LAN Manager Programmer's ToolKit version
2.1 is provided with this Microsoft Knowledge Base article for your
convenience. A Visual C version 1.52 MS-DOS project demonstrating the
NetWkstaSetUID2 API to log off a domain is also provided.
To use the
sample, run
netwks16 -d yourdomain -f 3 in an MS-DOS
console window. This logs you off the domain.
NOTE: This method should be used only if you encounter the problem
described in the KB article above. Furthermore, Microsoft does not recommend
programmatically logging off or on to a domain, because it opens up possible
security problems if the program stores and/or retrieves the password.