We strongly recommend that all users upgrade to Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) version 6.0 running on Microsoft Windows Server 2003. IIS 6.0 significantly increases Web infrastructure security. For more information about IIS security-related topics, visit the following Microsoft Web site:
Sometimes it may be useful to store a public key certificate for future use. The following ASP code takes the client authentication certificate provided by the client and writes it to a file called c:\Cert.txt.
For this to work, you must first configure a virtual directory to use SSL and require a client authentication certificate. You can analyze the certificate using the CERTUTIL tool that ships with the Windows NT Option Pack. For more information on how to do this, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
216830 IIS: How to View the Contents of a Certificate
The following is the ASP code needed for this to work:
<% @Language = VBScript %>
<% Response.Buffer = True %>
'Instantiate the ASP FileSystemObject in order
'to create a text file
Set fs = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Create text file using append mode
Set outStream = fs.OpenTextFile( "C:\cert.txt", 8, True )
'Save certificate issuer information to text file
outStream.WriteLine( "# Issuer: " & Request.ClientCertificate("Issuer") )
'Extract certificate subject (user) and account information
'from certificate
su = Request.ClientCertificate( "Subject" )
mx = len(su)
for x = 1 to mx
if mid(su,x,1)=chr(10) or mid(su,x,1)=chr(13) then
end if
outStream.WriteLine( "# Subject: " & su )
outStream.WriteLine( "# Account: " & Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_USER") )
'Extract encrypted certificate text from certificate; encode text as 64-bit data
uue = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"
outStream.WriteLine( "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----" )
cer = Request.ClientCertificate( "Certificate" )
lcer = len(cer)
l = 0
for x = 1 to lcer step 3
a1 = asc(mid(cer,x,1))
if x+1 <= lcer then
a2 = asc(mid(cer,x+1,1))
if x+2 <=lcer then
a3 = asc(mid(cer,x+2,1))
a3 = 0
end if
a2 = 0
a3 = 0
end if
outStream.Write mid(uue, (a1 and 252)/4 +1 ,1)
outStream.Write mid(uue, (a1 and 3)*16 + (a2 and 240)/16 +1 ,1)
if x+1 <= lcer then
outStream.Write mid(uue, (a2 and 15)*4 + (a3 and 192)/64 +1 ,1)
if x+2 <= lcer then
outStream.Write mid(uue, (a3 and 63) +1 ,1)
outStream.Write "="
end if
outStream.Write "=="
end if
l = l +4
if l = 64 then
l = 0
end if
if l > 0 then
outStream.WriteLine( "" )
end if
outStream.WriteLine( "-----END CERTIFICATE-----" )
Response.Write "Client certificate information has been received and logged successfully<br>"