This step-by-step article describes how to open a document that is linked to password-protected sheet in Microsoft Excel 2000.
If you open a Excel worksheet that is linked to protected
worksheets, you are prompted whether to update links to
unopened worksheets. If you click
Yes, you are prompted for the passwords of the linked documents.
If the original document is opened with a macro, you can include an
argument to suppress the "Update Links" dialog box; however, there is no argument that allows you to supply passwords for closed, linked documents.
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To open password-protected links, you must open the linked documents
first. If you open the linked sheets first, the dialog box that asks
whether or not to update links to unopened documents does not appear. The following example macro opens a linked document (Test2.xls) that is protected by the password "test", followed by the original document (Test1.xls):
Sub TestPassword()
'Open the workbook with the password (Test2.xls) first and supply
'the password with the password argument.
Workbooks.Open filename:="Test2.xls", updateLinks:=3, _
'When Test1.xls is opened, the links are updated automatically.
Workbooks.Open filename:="Test1.xls", updateLinks:=3
'Becuase Test2.xls is open, you can close Test2.xls.
End Sub
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