When you attempt to access a form field using Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications commands, and the bookmark name for the form field is missing, you may receive one of the following error messages:
Run-time error: "-2147467259" Method Name of Object FormField Failed
Run-time error: "5941" The requested member of the collection does not exist.
Use one of the following methods to correct this problem.
Method 1: Type a Valid Bookmark Name
Make sure each form field in the active document contains a valid bookmark name. To enter a bookmark name for a form field, double-click the form field to display the form field
Options dialog box, and then, in the
Bookmark Name box, type a valid bookmark name.
The following characters are invalid in a bookmark name:
- Any character whose ASCII value is less than 29 and greater than 127.
-or- - Characters listed in the following table.
Character ASCII code Character ASCII code Character ASCII code
- Chr(30) <Space> Chr(32) ! Chr(33)
" Chr(34) # Chr(35) $ Chr(36)
% Chr(37) & Chr(38) ' Chr(39)
( Chr(40) ) Chr(41) * Chr(42)
+ Chr(43) , Chr(44) - Chr(45)
. Chr(46) / Chr(47) : Chr(58)
; Chr(59) < Chr(60) = Chr(61)
> Chr(62) ? Chr(63) @ Chr(64)
[ Chr(91) \ Chr(92) ] Chr(93)
^ Chr(94) ` Chr(96) { Chr(123)
| Chr(124) } Chr(125) ~ Chr(126)
Method 2: Use a Macro to Assign a Bookmark Name
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OFF2000: How to Run Sample Code from Knowledge Base Articles
Use the following macro example to assign a bookmark name to each form field that does not have a bookmark name:
Sub AddFormFieldName()
Dim x As Integer
Dim myField As FormField
Dim newDoc As Document
x = 1
For Each myField In ActiveDocument.FormFields
If myField.Name = "" Then
Application.WordBasic.FormFieldOptions Name:="Test" & x
x = x + 1
End If
Next myField
End Sub
NOTE: Each form field that does not contain a bookmark name is assigned a bookmark name sequentially; for example, Test1, Test2, Test3, and so on.