WD2000: ScreenTip Tracks Only the Last Change Made to Text (211245)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 2000

This article was previously published under Q211245


The ScreenTip that displays information about tracked changes (the box that appears while the mouse pointer rests) may only show information about the last change made to the text.

For example, if one person adds a word to a document while Track changes while editing is turned on, the ScreenTip for that text displays that person's name, the type of change made, and the date and time of the change.

If another person then deletes the text, the ScreenTip displays only information about the deletion.


This behavior is by design of Microsoft Word. The Track Changes feature only shows the last change made to a piece of text in a document.


Use versioning to track multiple changes to the same text. To do this, click Versions on the File menu.


Versioning lets you maintain a working history of a document. With this feature you can see exactly who did what to a document and when. You can also enter descriptive text about the changes made in each version. All the versioning information is stored within the document, so you don't need to maintain and track multiple copies of the document. In addition, you can have Word automatically save a version at the end of every session, so you can see who changed what in each version.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:12/6/2000
Keywords:kbprb KB211245