How To Create an Unattended MSMQ Installation From the Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack (202139)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Message Queue Server (MSMQ) 1.0
  • Microsoft Windows NT version 4.0 Option Pack

This article was previously published under Q202139


This article describes how to create an unattended installation of Microsoft Message Queue (MSMQ) using the Microsoft Windows version 4.0 Option Pack.

The following examples assume the computer where MSMQ will be installed does not contain a prior version of MSMQ or the Windows NT version 4.0 Option Pack.

NOTE: This Knowledge Base article is written explicitly for assistance in creating an Unattended Setup mode for the Windows NT version 4.0 Option Pack along with MSMQ. This article should not be used if you are interested in installing other Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack components without MSMQ.



To create an unattended installation of MSMQ using Windows NT version 4.0 Option Pack, the following command line must be used:
<path to NTOP>\setup.exe /u:<path to setup text file>
where the "path to Windows NT Option Pack" is the full path to the Setup.exe for the Windows NT Option Pack, the "/u:" instructs the Windows NT Option Pack to install in an unattended, or silent mode. The final information, "path to setup text file" is the full path information to the setup text file necessary for the unattended installation. This file is discussed in more detail later.

When the Setup program runs it uses the setup text file to specify the parameters of what is to be installed, where to install it, and with certain product specific parameters. This essentially replaces the CheckBox section that is shown during a manual installation of the Option Pack. For MSMQ an additional file, Msmqinst.ini, is used to specify MSMQ specific parameters such as PEC, PSC, Connected Network, and so forth. The installation can complete without any interaction by the user, including a reboot. The Msmqinst.ini is typically stored in the Windows directory.

The Msmqoptp.ini file referred to in certain Windows NT Option Pack documentation is not necessary for an unattended installation of the Windows NT Option Pack and MSMQ. Only a customized setup text file and a customized Msmqinst.ini file are required. Additionally, an optional .cmd or .bat file can be used to copy the Msmqinst.ini file local to the client drive, and run the Setup command line.

The setup text file can be named anything provided it is saved as a .txt file and the command line parameter when calling Setup points to the appropriate .txt file. The Msmqinst.ini can not be renamed.

Sample Setup Text File

The following is a sample text file that is called in the Setup.exe command line. This particular example will install the Windows NT Option Pack with Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS) 2.0 and MSMQ 1.0 Independent Client (IC) on an Microsoft Windows NT Workstation or Microsoft Windows 9x computer. You will need to edit this text file to appropriately reflect your desired configuration. Name this file with an informative name that will reflect the parameters specified. For example, Mysetup.txt, or Unattcli.txt. Multiple copies of this can be made (with different names) to reflect different configurations. If you wish to install additional Option Pack components, refer to the products recommended configuration parameters to be included with the .txt file.

Additional working samples of this setup text file, entitled Unattend.txt, can be found on the Windows NT Option Pack installation media in the following locations:
  • NTOPTPAK\EN\x86\WIN.95\
The Unattend.txt file can be run from the directory for which operating system it belongs or it can be run from the root of the share, provided it is named differently and called with the proper path in the command line. By default the samples provided in the directories mentioned earlier do not install MSMQ which is not part of the Typical Setup for Option Pack.

This example is for a Windows NT Workstation, installing a minimal Windows NT Option Pack and an optional MSMQ IC.

Signature="$Windows NT$"

;NOTE: Windows NT Option Pack Setup sets the [Global] section later,
;automatically. You can also specify the installation mode that unattended
;MSMQ Setup runs in, based on the configuration of your target computer.
;For example, if your target computer will:<BR/>
;A) Receive a new MSMQ installation (fresh mode), but no "FreshMode="
;line is specified, then Typical is the default value.
;B) Receive a MSMQ re-installation or uninstallation (maintenance mode), 
;but no "MaintanenceMode=" line is specified, then ReinstallComplete is the
;default value.<BR/>
;C) Receive an upgrade of MSMQ (upgrade mode), but no "UpgradeMode="
;line is specified, then UpgradeOnly is the default value.


;NOTE: the [Components] section below is valid only when
;FreshMode = Custom, MaintanenceMode = AddRemove, and
;UpgradeMode = AddExtraComps
;for the [Global] section above.

;Note: The following [Components] selections for PWS are used For WinNT ;Workstation and Win9x. For WinNT Server, ;iis and it's supporting ;parameters should be used.


; pws
iis_common = ON
iis_www = OFF
iis_pwmgr = OFF
iis_doc_common = OFF
iis_doc_pwmcore = OFF
iis_doc_asp = OFF


;The following MSMQ Core Components lines should be changed to match the ;type of Windows Operating system.
;Msmq_Server_Core should be used for WinNT Server installs.
;Msmq_Client_Core should be used for Win95, Win98, and WinNT Workstation.
;You must change the [Msmq_Server] section header below to match.
;You must change the ServerType= and ClientType= to match also. For example,:
;if you are installing an MSMQ Client to an NTServer computer, you can ;specify Msmq_Server_Core=ON and [Msmq_Server] with ServerType=IND in the ;msmq path section below.


;iis path parameters:

;mts path and security params:

;If you install an MSMQ client on a computer running Windows NT Workstation ;4.0, or Windows 95/98, you must replace the [Msmq_Server] section with ;[Msmq_Client], and the ServerType entry with ClientType. ClientType values ;include IND (independent client) and DEP (dependent client).
;You must also set Msmq_Server_Core=ON or Msmq_Client_Core=On to match.

;msmq path parameters:
Path="c:\Program Files\msmq"



Sample Msmqinst.ini

The following is a sample Msmqinst.ini file with a Primary Enterprise Controller (PEC) server name of Pacific with a site name of Islands, and a Connected Network named IPCN. You will need to edit this text file to appropriately reflect your desired configuration. If you will only be installing MSMQ Clients, then only the top three lines are necessary. When Setup of MSMQ is running it will first look in the local Windows directory for an Msmqinst.ini file. If it does not find one it will look in the default share location. If you have multiple configurations you can put different versions of the Msmqinst.ini file in separate folders on the share and copy the appropriate Msmqinst.ini locally prior to the call to Setup.


[Common Parameters]
Supporting Server=Pacific
;the lines below this point are used only for MSMQ Servers:
IPAddresses=IPCN IP

; Setup uses the following section to install a PSC on a server computer
; named Lanai to the PEC named Pacific. This PSC's Site will be named
; Kanaha. The Site Link Costs will be 10. Note: There is NO cost based
; routing in the Option Pack version of MSMQ, and the SiteLinks parameter  ; can be removed:


; Setup uses the following section to install a BSC on a server computer
; named Molokai to the PEC named Pacific in in the Islands Site:


; Setup uses the following section to install
; an MSMQ routing server named Kahulawe to the Islands Site:



The following is a sample Mqsetup.bat file. This can be useful in simplifying making the call to run the Setup program. This file can be sent in e-mail, sent by SMS, or run from disk. This particular sample copies the Msmqinst.ini file from a share on a computer named Pacific, with a share named CDsetup, from the directory named SetupCD (default location of msmqinst.ini) to the local Windows directory of the client computer. Then runs the Setup program in the unattended mode (/u) parameter, specifying the Mysetup.txt file that exists at the share root (:\\Mymachine\Cdsetup\) for the parameters.

copy\\Pacific\cdsetup\setupcd\msmqinst.ini %windir%
\\Pacific\cdsetup\setup /u:\\mymachine\cdsetup\mysetup.txt


NOTE: Be careful not to confuse the two folders CDSetup and SetupCD. A default share where the entire contents of the Windows NT Option Pack CD-ROM are copied to a drive will by default have this structure shown earlier.


Most problems exist in the path's that are specified in the command line or .bat file that is used to run the command line. Make sure that the appropriate .txt file is being used. If you are using the Unattend.txt file provided with that name, remember that the file is searched for in an order starting with the operating system files location on down to the root.

For MSMQ certain dependencies exist on MTS, Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC), and Microsoft Distributive Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC). These may have additional dependencies. HTML documentations requires that Internet Information Server (IIS) or Personal Web Server (PWS) is installed. This may require a lot of testing of different scripts to produce the desired configuration.

Remember if only MSMQ core components=ON and Msmq_Admin=OFF Msmq_Doc=OFF, Msmq_SDK=OFF, there will be nothing in the Program Files menu. This does not mean MSMQ is not installed. It just means that only the core functionality of MSMQ services is installed.

If installation of MSMQ fails, it may also be because of other factors such as NetBIOS name resolution, network connectivity, and security. Try performing a manual installation of MSMQ which will return errors to help point to the problem.


The MSMQ Readme file, Msmqread.htm, is available on the Windows NT Option Pack CD-ROM. Refer to this prior to attempting to run Unattended installation of the Windows NT Option Pack.

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:6/29/2004
Keywords:kbhowto KB202139