Remote Storage Server Requires Free Space on Managed Volumes (200267)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server
  • Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional
  • Microsoft Windows 2000 Datacenter Server

This article was previously published under Q200267


While you try to set up Remote Storage Server to migrate unused files from a volume that has very little free space available, you may receive the following message:
Remote Storage
An error occurred while Remote Storage setup was adding Volume management.
USN Journal cannot be created because the disk is full. (0x81000017)
Additionally, both the Remote Storage Service log and the System Event log record the following event message:

Event ID: 3028 Source: Remote Storage Description: The USN journal for G:\ cannot be created because the disk is too full. This volume cannot be managed by Remote Storage.


Remote Storage Server tries to create the journal with a maximum size of 1/64th the amount of free space available on the disk and allocation deltas of 1/2048th of this value. However, the minimum size of the USN journal is approximately 1 megabyte (MB).

You can either manually move some files off the volume, or enable NTFS file system compression to create enough free space for the USN journal to be created.

Once enough free space is available you should be able to migrate files using Remote Storage.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:11/13/2003
Keywords:kbenv kbinfo KB200267