This article describes how to perform event and error trapping in
subprograms. This information applies to Microsoft QuickBASIC Versions
1.00, 1.00a, 1.00b, Microsoft BASIC Compiler Version 1.00, and
Microsoft BASIC Interpreter Versions 2.00, 2.10, and 3.00 for the
Apple Macintosh.
You can use the "ON ERROR" and "ON event" trapping statements in
subprograms; however, the error-handling subroutine label given in the
GOTO or GOSUB statement must be located outside the subprogram, as
CALL Mytest
END ' Run the subprogram Mytest then stop.
ON ERROR GOTO Errorhandler ' Turn on error trapping.
ERROR 200 ' Simulates an error.
PRINT "This was printed after the error"
' The error handler must be outside the SUBprogram block:
PRINT "Error trapped=";ERR
RESUME NEXT ' Resumes on next line after error occurred.
Error and event-handler code must be outside of subprograms because
error and event handlers are global across the whole program. When
trapping errors that occur in a subprogram, you cannot use the RESUME
<line> statement, you may only use RESUME or RESUME NEXT.
Note also that labels and line numbers are also global across the
whole program. Labels or line numbers used in a subprogram cannot be
used in the main program.