This problem may be caused by a value in the NextSpecificKey in the GROUPMAP table of less than (and therefore overlapping) the current maximum value in the table that shows the problem.
For example, you might discover new duplicates and see an entry in the Datdupck.log such as:
11766 Duplicate datakeys found in Table: IRQ_Table_SPEC
(Note that the table name might be different.)
Running the following queries with a utility such as
ISQL/w may show this overlapping range of datakeys:
Select MAX(datakey) from IRQ_TABLE_SPEC
Select NextSpecificKey from GROUPMAP where SPECIFICTABLENAME = 'IRQ_Table_Spec'
For example, say the first select query returns a value of 2017976 and the second query returns a value of 2009726. This means that the next new record in the IRQ_TABLE_SPEC will have a datakey of 2009726. The problem is that you already have datakeys in the table up to and including the value 2017976. Thus, until the NextSpecificKey value is incremented to a value greater than the current maximum value in your table, you will continue to assign duplicates.