How to Import User Data (199362)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Site Server 3.0

This article was previously published under Q199362


The article describes sample steps to import user data from Personalization and Membership to an Analysis database.


This configuration assumes a complete installation of Site Server with SQL Server selected for the Analysis database.

Set up the Membership Instance:
  1. In the MMC, under P&M, right-click the server name, select New, and choose Membership Server Instance.
  2. Click Next.
  3. Select Custom Configuration and click Next.
  4. Select AUO and LDAP only, and then click Next.
  5. Create a new Membership Directory and click Next.
  6. Use Membership Authentication and click Next.
  7. Set the Membership Directory name to "UA Test" and the administrator's password to "password," and then click Next.
  8. Select a SQL Server database and click Next.
  9. Enter the server name. The database name is "SSMembership," the username is "sa," and the password is blank. Click Next.
  10. Select "All Unassigned" for IP address and port 1003. Click Next.
  11. Click Finish.
  12. Right-click on Membership Server #2, select Rename, and enter "UA Test."
Configure the Users:
  1. In the MMC, right-click on MDM and select Properties.
  2. Enter "localhost" and port 1003, and then click OK.
  3. Select Logon Anonymously and click OK.
  4. Expand the MDM. Under ou=Admin,cn=Schema, ensure that cn=userComment and cn=userPassword both exist.
  5. Under ou=Admin,ou=ExportConfig,ou=Users, double-click cn=Default.
  6. Click Add Value and enter "userComment" and "userPassword," and then click OK.
  7. Right-click ou=Members, select New, and then choose User.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Enter "testuser1" for the name and click Next.
  10. Click Add Attribute and add the following:
            Email Address (mail)         ""
            First Name (givenName)       "Test1"
            Last Name (sn)               "User1"
            user-comment (userComment)   "Test User 1 Comment"
            user-password (userPassword) "testuser1pass"
  11. Click Next.
  12. Click Add, double-click Public in the left column, and then click OK.
  13. Click Finish.
  14. Right-click ou=Members, select New, and choose User.
  15. Click Next.
  16. Enter "testuser2" for the name and click Next.
  17. Click Add Attribute and add the following:
            Email Address (mail)         ""
            First Name (givenName)       "Test2"
            Last Name (sn)               "User2"
            user-comment (userComment)   "Test User 2 Comment"
            user-password (userPassword) "testuser2pass"
  18. Click Next.
  19. Click Add, double-click Public in the left column, click OK.
  20. Click Finish.
Create the Web Site:
  1. In Windows Explorer, go to \Inetpub, and create a folder called "UA Test."
  2. Create a file under "UA Test" called Default.htm:

    <title>Welcome To IIS 4.0!</title>
    Test default page.

  3. Create a file under "UA Test" called Test.htm:

    <title>Welcome To IIS 4.0!</title>
    Test non-default page.

  4. Create a file under "UA Test" called GetCookie.asp:

    <%@ LANGUAGE="VBScript" %>
    <% Response.Buffer = True %>
    <TITLE>Recover Personalization Settings</TITLE>
    Recover Personalization Settings
    On Error Resume Next
    if Request("REMOTE_USER") = "" Then
    Response.Write "You have not been authenticated by the system.<br>"
    Response.Write "Please contact your administrator."
    Set UserObjects =
    Set vusr = Server.CreateObject("Membership.verifusr")
    vusr.IssueCookie "SITESERVER", "GUID=" & UserObjects.Get("GUID")
    vusr.IssueCookie "MEMUSER", UserObjects.Get("cn")
    Response.Write "Personalization settings have been recovered.<br>"
    End if
    <p><a href="default.htm">Home Page</a><br>

  5. Close Windows Explorer.
  6. In the MMC, under IIS, right-click the computer name, select New, and choose Web Site.
  7. Enter "UA Test" for Web Site Description and click Next.
  8. Leave IP at "All Unassigned," change Port to "8010," and click Next.
  9. Click Browse, select \Inetpub\UA Test, and click OK.
  10. Click to uncheck "Allow anonymous access to this web site" and click Next.
  11. Click Finish.
  12. Right-click the "UA Test" Web site, select Task, and choose Membership Server Mapping.
  13. Select "UA Test" and click OK.
  14. Right-click the "UA Test" Web site and select Properties.
  15. Click Properties under Logging, and note where the log files are being stored (W3SVC3\exyymmdd.log).
  16. Click Cancel.
  17. Click the Membership Authentication tab.
  18. Click Other Password Authentication, check only DPA, and then click Apply.
  19. Click OK.
  20. Right-click the "UA Test" Web site and click Start.
Generate the Log Files:
  1. On a separate computer that has not hit this server before (or delete all cookies for this server), start Internet Explorer.
  2. Type in http://<servername>:8010/GetCookie.asp and then press Enter.
  3. Enter "testuser1" for Member ID, "testuser1pass" for Password, and then click OK. You should see:

    Recover Personalization Settings / Personalization settings have been recovered. / Home Page

  4. Type in http://<servername>:8010 and press Enter. You should see:

    Test default page

  5. Type in http://<servername>:8010/test.htm and press Enter. You should see:

    Test non-default page

  6. Close Internet Explorer.
  7. Repeat steps 1 through 10 on an additional computer, substituting Member ID, "testuser2" and Password "testuser2pass" on step 4.
Create the Database:
  1. Run the Database Setup Wizard.
  2. Click Next.
  3. Click Update an Existing Database and click Next.
  4. Set Server to the servername, the Database to "SSAnalysis," login as "sa," and password as blank. Click Connect.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Click Finish.
  8. Click OK.
  9. Click OK.
Import the Log Files:
  1. Start Usage Import.
  2. Click OK.
  3. Select Auto Detect and click OK.
  4. Change IP Port to 8010 and Local Time Zone to GMT 00:00 and click OK.
  5. Enter a period (.) for Home Page URL.
  6. Click the Inferences tab and uncheck "Multiple users use the same username."
  7. Click OK.
  8. Click Tools and choose Options.
  9. Ensure that "Use cookies for inferences" is checked.
  10. Exit and restart Usage Import.
  11. In the Import Manager window, click Browse, select winnt\system32\LogFiles\w3svc3\exyymmdd.log and click Open.
  12. Click Start Import.
  13. Click OK.
  14. Click Close.
  15. Close Usage Import.
Import the P&M Data:
  1. Start Custom Import.
  2. Click Get External Data.
  3. Click User Data.
  4. Enter "<servername>:8010" for Server Name, "administrator" for User name, and "password" for Password.
  5. Ensure that "Get user records modified on or after (date)" is unchecked.
  6. Click Import.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Close Custom Import.
Create a Report:
  1. Start Report Writer.
  2. Select New Report Definition and click OK.
  3. Right-click Report Definition and select New Calculation.
  4. Right-click Row Dimensions and select New Dimension.
  5. Select Dimensions, choose Users, choose Username, and then click OK.
  6. Right-click Measures and select New measure.
  7. Select Measures, choose Visits, and then choose Number of visits.
  8. Right-click Measures and select New measure.
  9. Select Dimensions, select Users, select Cookie, and then choose User-comment.
  10. Change Calculate Using to Maximum.
  11. Click OK.
  12. Ensure Presentations is set to Table.
  13. Select File and choose Run Report.
  14. Enter "Test" for File name and click OK.
The generated report will show all users who entered the site along with the user-comment and user-password attributes.

For additional information, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

246435 Report Writer Not Reporting Account Usage as Expected

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:11/23/2000
Keywords:kbhowto KB199362