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Release Date: March 11, 1999
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Sample File Information
The CmdLanch.exe file will self extract to produce the following files:
File Name Size Description
CmdLanch.dll 40KB Exchange extension DLL
CmdLaunchExe.reg 1KB Extension registration file
cmdExt.cpp 28KB Main extension source file
cmdExt.h 6KB main extension header file
CmdLaunchExe.dsp 4KB Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0 project file
CmdLaunchExe.dsw 1KB Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0 workspace file
resource.h 1KB Extension resource header file
script1.rc 3KB Extension resource template
bitmap2.bmp 1KB Toolbar button bitmap resource
bitmap3.bmp 1KB Toolbar button bitmap resource
bitmap4.bmp 1KB Toolbar button bitmap resource
Installing and Configuring the Sample
- Copy the CmdLanch.dll file to your Windows\System directory (WINNT\SYSTEM32 is used by this sample).
- Open the CmdLaunchExe.reg file in Notepad and change the path to reflect the actual location of the CmdLanch.dll file on your system.
- Save the CmdLaunchExe.reg file and exit Notepad.
- Double-click the CmdLaunchExe.reg file in Windows Explorer. This will register the CmdLanch.dll file for use by Outlook as a custom extension.
- Re-start Microsoft Outlook.
- You should see a custom Toolbar button on the Toolbar, and a custom menu item on the Tools menu, for the Launch .exe command.
- Click either command and Notepad should start immediately.
Instructions for Customizing CmdLaunchExe.dll
The source for this sample was created using VC++ 5.0 Service Pack 3. You can modify the source for this extension to reflect your own menu item and toolbar button bitmaps. (See the MyExchExtCommands::InstallCommands method for more information.)
The .exe that launches can be changed by editing the MyExchExtCommands::DoCommand method. Alternatively, you could request the .exe location from the user using the CommonDialog control.
You will also want to edit the following methods to reflect your own text requirements:
More Exchange Extension Information
This sample requires Microsoft Windows NT 3.51 or Windows 95, the MAPI 1.0
PDK, Microsoft Visual C++ version 2.0 (or later), and the Win32 Platform SDK.
Exchange client extensions are designed using OLE's Component Object Model.
The Client calls methods, which are provided in the extension. In some
calls to the extension interface, a pointer to a callback interface is used
(IExchExtCallback) for the extension to call back into the Exchange client.
For more information regarding this interface, please see "Extending the Microsoft Exchange Client" in the MAPI PDK documentation.
This sample implements three interface objects: IExchExt, IExchExtCommands,
and IExchExtUserEvents. To extend the command set of Exchange, it is
necessary to provide implementations for IExchExt and IExchExtCommands.
It is optional to provide implementation for IExchExtUserEvents. This sample implements IExchExtUserEvents to enable or disable the custom command, depending on what object the user is selecting in the Exchange main viewer. The menu item is always enabled in the Search Folder dialog box.
The custom command is available in both the Main viewer and the Search
Folder dialog box. The IExchExtCommands provides an interface for the client to display context help on the custom menu item and to display tooltip text and status window text. Select the custom menu item and press F1 to open an About dialog box.
This extension works in two different contexts, main viewer and search dialog. For each context an extension supports, a complete set of interface objects is created. In this sample, the MyExchExt, MyExchExtCommands and
MyExchExtUserEvents objects are created once for the main viewer context and once for the search dialog. However, because there is only one
implementation for all contexts, there is a context flag data member which
indicates from which context Exchange is calling.
A context in many cases corresponds to a user interface. For example, the
search viewer is one context and the main viewer is another. QueryInterface
is called for each interface identifier (IID) for each context. In this example, QueryInterface is called each time for all IIDs in the main viewer context when Exchange first starts. QueryInterface is called again each time for all IIDs in the search viewer context. For each of the contexts, a unique pointer to the MyExchExtCommands and MyExchExtUserEvents objects is returned to Exchange in the QueryInterface call. Then when Exchange is calling DoCommands from the search viewer, it is calling the one using the interface pointer returned to it through QueryInterface in the search viewer context. When Exchange is calling DoCommands from the main viewer, it is calling the one using the interface pointer returned to it through QueryInterface in the main viewer context.