Microsoft suggests that developers design their dialog boxes based on the largest font. The edit control is the only control that can automatically lay out the size of the control.
For additional information about the edit control, please see the following
article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
124315 HOWTO: Calculate the Height of Edit Control to Resize It
For other controls including buttons, developers must use a try/fail method. There is no automatic way to do this, unfortunately.
Developers should make their control/buttons as large as possible, although this may not produce the best appearance on English Windows. There is no definite solution, but developers could try and make adjustments for each case. Applications can call the GetSystemMetrics function to retrieve various system metrics (widths and heights of display elements), including the size of the buttons, with such parameters as SM_CXEDGE and SM_CYEDGE, which return Dimensions, in pixels. With these values, applications should set the font/size.