The Print Quality setting in PhotoDraw is not the same as the Print Quality
or Resolution setting used by the printer driver. The unit of measure for
print quality in PhotoDraw should have been written as pixels-per-inch
(ppi) rather than dots-per-inch (dpi).
Best print quality from PhotoDraw is 300 or 360 pixels-per-inch depending
on the type of printer in use. *
* Some printers express resolution (dpi) in multiples of 60 (180, 360,
720). Other printers express resolution in multiples of 50 (150, 300,
600, 800, 1200).
High-resolution printers convert each pixel to a set of dots -- the more
dots used, the tighter the grain (resolution) in the picture.
If you choose the highest print quality PhotoDraw offers (Best), your
printer will print at the highest resolution it is set to.
To check what resolution your printer is set to, follow these steps:
- On the File menu in PhotoDraw, click Print.
- Select the printer you want to print to in the Printer Name list.
- To see the properties dialog for the printer you have selected, click
Note: The properties dialog is part of the printer driver provided by
the printer manufacturer. It is not part of PhotoDraw.
- Look for a setting to control print quality or resolution. This is
usually expressed in dpi.
- Select the print quality setting you want to use and click OK to return
to the PhotoDraw Print dialog.