PPT2000: Limitations of Converting to PowerPoint 7.0 Format (198216)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2000

This article was previously published under Q198216


Because Microsoft PowerPoint 2000 and PowerPoint version 7.0 files are saved in different file formats, some information may not be converted or may not convert as expected. The following table describes how PowerPoint 2000 features that are not fully supported in PowerPoint 7.0 are converted.



PowerPoint 2000 Feature          Result when saved in PowerPoint 95
---------------------            -------------------------------------

Animated GIF files               Converted to static GIF images

Animated chart elements          Appear as static chart objects.
                                 PowerPoint 95 users must use
                                 Microsoft Graph 97 to edit charts.*

Custom shows                     Slides appear in the presentation,
                                 but the Custom Show feature does not

Native format movies and         Converted to Media Player objects.

Play options for CD              Options are ignored.
tracking and movie looping

Crawl, Peek, and                 Converted to Fly Animation
Spiral Animations

Zoom in Animations               Converted to Box Out animation

Zoom out Animations              Converted to Box In animation


PowerPoint 2000 Feature          Result when saved in PowerPoint 95
----------------------           -------------------------------------

3-D effects                      Converted as pictures.

AutoShapes                       Converted to freeform shapes or
                                 pictures if there is no matching

Connectors                       Converted as freeform lines and lose
                                 their automatic connecting behavior.

Curves                           Approximated with connected line

Gradient Fills                   Semitransparency is lost.

Joins and endcaps of lines       Become mitered joins and round
                                 endcaps on AutoShapes, and round
                                 joins and endcaps on freeforms.

Objects that are linked          Brightness, contrast, and color
or embedded                      transformation settings are lost.

Picture brightness, contrast,    Rendered at current PowerPoint 2000
and color transformation         settings.

Picture fills                    Converted to picture objects.

Picture fills on shapes          Shape is converted as a picture
                                 object and given a solid fill with
                                 the last applied foreground color.

Shadows, engraved                Takes on embossed shadow effects.

Shadows, perspective             Converted as shapes or pictures and
                                 grouped with the shape casting the

Shapes or arcs with              Converted to PowerPoint 95 freeform
attached text that are           shapes or arcs and text boxes.
new in PowerPoint

Text box margins                 Averaged to center the text block in
                                 the box.

Text effects                     Converted as pictures.

Thick compound lines             Converted as picture objects.


PowerPoint 2000 Feature          Result when saved in PowerPoint 95
----------------------         -------------------------------------

Comments                         Converted to Rich Text Format -
                                 hidden comments are displayed.

Hyperlinks that combine          Play Sound settings are lost.
Play Sound with other action

Hyperlinks embedded within       Hyperlinks are lost.
an object

Action settings embedded         Action settings are lost.
within an object


PowerPoint 2000 Feature          Result when saved in PowerPoint 95
----------------------           -------------------------------------

Charts                           Cannot be edited unless the user has
                                 Microsoft Graph 97, colors may be

Clip Gallery                     Cannot be edited unless the user has
                                 Microsoft Clip Gallery (ClipArt Gallery
                                 2.0 ships with PowerPoint 95.).*

PowerPoint Macros                Not converted - there is no macro
                                 language in PowerPoint 95.

Unicode characters               Mapped to corresponding ANSI -
(2 bytes per character)          foreign language characters are most
                                 likely affected.

*Inserted Charts and Clip Gallery objects are OLE objects. When you save a PowerPoint presentation in an earlier version, PowerPoint does not change OLE objects. In order to edit them, you must have a program that can edit that particular type of OLE object.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:11/30/2000
Keywords:kbinfo KB198216