This article lists known issues with Word 98 Macintosh Edition when
upgrading to the Apple Macintosh System Software 8.5 (Mac OS 8.5).
The symptoms covered include the following:
- Menus no longer 3-D
- Window redrawn incorrectly after maximize
- Euro character prints blank or as currency symbol
Menus No Longer 3-D
Some menus in Microsoft Word may not match the settings in the Appearance
control panel. These menus may have a white background and a two-
dimensional appearance.
NOTE: This problem may also occur with the Font menu. For more information
about this behavior with the Font menu, please see the following article in
the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
194406 WD98: Font Menu Does Not Match Appearance Control Panel Settings
This problem occurs if a nonstandard shortcut key is assigned to a menu
NOTE: A standard shortcut key is defined as a shortcut that consists of the
COMMAND key and a letter. For example, the shortcut key for the Find
command on the Edit menu is COMMAND+F. The shortcut key for Spelling and
Grammar (COMMAND+OPTION+L) is considered a nonstandard shortcut key.
To correct this problem, obtain the Office 98 Update for Mac OS 8.5. For
more information about the Office 98 Update for Mac OS 8.5, please see the
following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
194430 OFF98: How to Obtain and Install Office 98 Update for Mac OS 8.5
Window Redrawn Incorrectly After Maximize
The title bar of the document is not stretched across the top of the
To work around this problem, do the following:
- Click on Finder.
- Click on Word Document.
Euro Character Prints Blank Or As Currency Symbol
When you print a document containing the new euro symbol, the symbol does
not print or prints as a currency symbol.
Either you are printing to a greyshared printer driver that is on a system
software earlier than OS 8.5, or you are using a PostScript printer driver
earlier than 8.6.
For greyshared printers, upgrade the OS on the Macintosh the printer is
shared from.
For PostScript drivers, upgrade the postscript driver to version 8.6
(shipped with OS 8.5) or later.
More Information:
Fonts are supplied to greyshared printers drivers by the host computer, not
the client. Because the OS fonts prior to 8.5 did not have support for the
euro symbol, host computers using system software prior to OS 8.5 are
unable to print this font.
Printer drivers that have greyshared capabilities are:
- LaserWriter 300/LS (runs Personal LaserWriter LS, Personal
Laserwriter 300)
- Color StyleWriter 1500
- Color StyleWriter 2500
- Color StyleWriter Pro
The updated PostScript driver (version 8.6 and later) is needed to force
the download of the euro glyph, because that symbol is not on PostScript