Microsoft Outlook 2000 supports vCard and vCalendar, a
powerful new approach to electronic, Personal Data Interchange (PDI). PDI
occurs every time individuals communicate in either a business or personal
context. These interchanges frequently include the exchange of information,
such as business cards, telephone numbers, addresses, dates and times of
appointments, and such. The vCard and vCalendar features facilitate PDI
This article discusses the implementation of vCard
in Outlook. For information on vCalendar, please see the REFERENCES section
This article discusses:
- How to create a vCard
- How to distribute a vCard
- How to automatically process a vCard
- How to store a vCard in a secondary Contacts folder
- How to include a vCard with your automatic signature
- How to manually process a vCard as a text file
vCard serves as an electronic business card. It is a
convenient way of exchanging personal information such as, name, address, phone
number, and e-mail address with others.
How to Create a vCard
To create a vCard, follow these steps:
- In a Contact folder, click to select the contact for which
you want a vCard.
- On the File menu, click to select Save As.
- In the "Save file as type" list, click to select, VCARD
Files (*.vcf).
- In the Save In list, select the folder where you want to
save the vCard file, and then click Save.
RESULT: This creates a vCard file with the same name as that of
the Contact.
How To Distribute a vCard
You can distribute a vCard file as you distribute any other
computer file.
- Open a new e-mail message and address it to the recipient.
- On the Insert menu, click File.
- Click to select a vCard (.vcf) file, and click OK.
Note: If you want to include Notes with your vCard, you must
insert the .vcf file. If the .vcf is attached to your signature, the Notes
field (and other fields) will be removed prior from the vCard.
How To Automatically Process a vCard
With Outlook 2000, you can automatically convert a vCard received
from an external source to an Outlook Contact record. If the vCard arrives as
an e- mail attachment, you can double-click the vCard, then click Save And
Close to add it to your default Contact folder. Or you can create a Contact
from a vCard by dragging it to the Contacts folder.
NOTE: If the
vCard the icon appears as a generic Windows icon, does not open when you
double-click the icon, or you receive an "Open With" prompt, the vCard File
application is not associated with the .vcf file type. For detailed information
on how to correct this, click Help on the Start menu, and type "associating,
file types with programs" (without the quotes). Click Display, click "Creating
or modifying a file type," and click Display.
If you receive the
vCard in the form of a file on a disk, you can import it into your default
Contact folder using the Outlook Import and Export Wizard.
- On the File menu, click Import And Export.
- Click to select "Import a vCard file (*.vcf)" then click
- Click to select the vCard file, and then click Open.
RESULT: The vCard data will be used to create a Contact record
in your default Contacts folder.
How to Store a vCard in a Secondary Contacts Folder
If you import a vCard file or open and save a vCard file it is
placed directly into your default Contacts folder in the default message store.
To store the vCard in a Contacts folder other than the default, you can drag
and drop the vCard file to the secondary folder or first import it into the
Default Contacts folder and copy it to the secondary folder.
How To Include a vCard with Your Automatic Signature
To include a vCard with your Automatic signature, follow these
- On the Tools menu, click Options.
- On the Mail Format tab, click Signature Picker.
- Click New to add a new signature.
- Enter a name for your signature and click Next.
- Type the desired signature information in the text window.
- Click "New vCard from Contact."
- In "Show name from the" select Contacts or another address
- Click to select the entry to create a vCard for, and then
click OK and click Finish, and OK to complete the signature entry.
Note: If your vCard contains Notes, UserDefined Fields, or
Outlook-specific fields, these values will be stripped from the vCard included
with the signature. The Signature Picker specifically includes only those
fields in a Contact that are essential to the definition of a vCard.
How To Manually Process a vCard as a Text File
A vCard record is just a text file. If you do not have an
automated facility to process vCard records, you can open them with a text
editor and use the information. The contents of a vCard file will vary with the
information inserted by the file creator but a typical file created from a
Contact record looks like the following when opened in a text editor.
NOTE: Text formatting applied to entries in the Notes field is not
preserved when the .vcf file is save to the hard drive. The file format is
preserved in ASCII text only.
FN:John Doe
ORG:Doe Company, The;
NOTE;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:This is a note associated with this
TEL;WORK;VOICE:(987) 123-4567
TEL;HOME;VOICE:(987) 765-4321
TEL;CELL;VOICE:(987) 135-8642
TEL;WORK;FAX:(987) 246-1357
ADR;WORK:;;1234 North Street;Anytown;TX 751234;;United States of America
751234 =0D=0AUnited States of America