To convert data between IBM's Document Composition Facility (DCF) Version
Release 4 and Word, use either of the following methods.
Method 1: Contact IBM Direct
Contact IBM Direct at (800) 426-2255 and order the Office Document Feature
(ODF) for use with product number 5748-XX9 (the Document Composition
When the Office Document Feature (ODF) is installed, DCF can convert a
Revisable-Form Text Document Content Architecture (RFT-DCA) file into an
RFT/GML file for formatting by SCRIPT/VS. ODF can also convert an RFT/GML
file back into an RFT-DCA file.
Word 97 can both read and save as RFT-DCA format created by ODF.
NOTE: Be sure to order the appropriate version of ODF for your processor
type. See the environments under which DCF and ODF can be used in the
Information" section later in this article.
Method 2: Contact a Third-Party Conversion Product Vendor
Contact a third-party conversion product vendor that supports conversion
between DCF and Word. For more information about third-party conversion
products, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge
174813 WD: Third-Party Conversion Solutions
IBM's Document Composition Facility (DCF) is a host-based word processing
program available for IBM's mainframe environments as well as for the OS/2
and Windows platforms. In addition to the OS/2 and Windows environments,
DCF operates in the interactive environments of CMS, TSO, and Customer
Information Control System (CICS) and the processors they operate with,
when the appropriate Foreground Environment Feature (FEF) is installed. It
can also be run in the batch environment under MVS and VSE.
DCF Version 1 Release 4 provides a text formatter called SCRIPT/VS.
SCRIPT/VS processes documents marked up with its own control words and
documents marked up with Generalized Markup Language (GML) tags.
Other IBM applications, such as BookMaster releases 3 and 4, write and
data in GML format that can be formatted using the Document Composition
Facility (DCF) and subsequently exported from DCF in RFT-DCA format for
in Word.
GML tags, a type of shorthand text markup, describe the parts or elements
of the document being formatted; they can be used instead of explicit
SCRIPT/VS control words to achieve the same results.
The third-party products discussed here are manufactured by vendors
independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise,
regarding these products' performance or reliability.