SNA Server may fail unexpectedly with an access violation when you use the
PU Passthrough feature (new in SNA Server 4.0). This failure may occur when
receiving XID messages from the downstream physical unit (for example,
after the downstream PU is powered on).
If Drwtsn32.exe is configured as the default debugger on the SNA Server,
the Drwtsn32.log file may contain an entry similar to the following when
this access violation occurs:
Application exception occurred:
App: <path>snaservr.exe (pid=<process ID #>)
When: <date> @ <time>
Exception number: c0000005 (access violation)
function: snpugeti
0100a5ba 8d4e04 lea ecx,[esi+0x4] ds:012eea06=00000000
0100a5bd 2bea sub ebp,edx
0100a5bf 0fbfd7 movsx edx,di
0100a5c2 3bd5 cmp edx,ebp
0100a5c4 7e27 jle snpugeti+0x4d (0100a5ed)
0100a5c6 85f6 test esi,esi
0100a5c8 7427 jz snpugeti+0x51 (0100a5f1)
0100a5ca 668b09 mov cx,[ecx] ds:01f5fff4=0000
0100a5cd 8b36 mov esi,[esi] ds:00000000=????????
0100a5cf 662b08 sub cx,[eax] ds:01f56d8e=0016
FAULT ->0100a5d2 0fbf5606 movsx edx,word ptr [esi+0x6] ds:012eea07=0000
0100a5d6 0fbf6e04 movsx ebp,word ptr [esi+0x4] ds:012eea07=0000
0100a5da 8d7c0fff lea edi,[edi+ecx-0x1] ds:0324e9fb=????????
0100a5de 8d4606 lea eax,[esi+0x6] ds:012eea06=00000000
0100a5e1 8d4e04 lea ecx,[esi+0x4] ds:012eea06=00000000
0100a5e4 2bd5 sub edx,ebp
0100a5e6 0fbfef movsx ebp,di
0100a5e9 3bea cmp ebp,edx
0100a5eb 7fd9 jg snpugeti+0x26 (0100a5c6)
0100a5ed 85f6 test esi,esi
0100a5ef 750f jnz snpugeti+0x60 (0100a600)
0100a5f1 53 push ebx
*----> Stack Back Trace <----*
FramePtr ReturnAd Param#1 Param#2 Param#3 Param#4 Function Name
011cfef8 010413fd 01f56d88 0000001a 01180011 011840cc snaservr!snpugeti
(FPO: [EBP 0x01f54908] [2,0,4])
Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in SNA Server 4.0 and SNA Server 4.0 Service Pack 1.
This problem was corrected in the latest SNA Server 4.0 U.S. service pack.
For information on obtaining this Service Pack,
query on the following word in the Microsoft Knowledge Base (without the spaces):