When you attempt to modify a Directory Object at the same time using
multiple instances of the Exchange Server Administrator program on
different servers in the same site, the user may receive the following
Event in the Windows NT Application log:
Event Id: 1074
Source: MSExchangeDS
Category: Replication
Type: Warning
Replication warning: There was a conflict with replication.
Modifications made to object
/o=Alpha/ou=Omega/cn=Recipients/cn=Technical Disc by directory with
globally unique identifier (GUID) 74799c39c5b2d11197230001fa6a0863
EXCHANGE05 were lost.
This event indicates that a directory object was modified on two different
servers in the same site before the change has had chance to be replicated.
Because of this, one server's changes were discarded. Any directory object
may be affected including a mailbox, distribution list, address-book view,
or custom recipients.
You will not see the above Event ID in the log unless the Directory
Service's diagnostic logging has been increased in the following
diagnostics logging category: REPLICATION.
This is not a problem with the Microsoft Exchange Directory. The basic rule
to follow when modifying objects is to make changes to an object from only
one point in a site. If an object is modified on two different servers
within the same site within the directory replication interval, then it is
possible for directory replication conflicts to occur.