How To Get ADO Default Connection Information (195236)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows 5.0
  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows 5.0a
  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows 6.0
  • Microsoft Data Access Components 2.1 SP2
  • Microsoft Data Access Components 2.5
  • Microsoft Data Access Components 2.6

This article was previously published under Q195236


Default connection properties might differ by driver. In your application, it might be important to obtain the ADO version number because you might need to know whether the driver uses server-side or client-side cursors, supports transactions, or opens tables as read-only by default.

The following sample allows you to determine the default connection properties for a driver. It creates a DSN-less connection to an existing driver and displays the default connection properties for that driver.

To use this sample code, you must have Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) version 2.x or later installed, which is included in the data components of Visual Studio 6.0 or can it be downloaded from the following Web site:


Create and execute the following program, substituting the name of your driver, server, and database in the 'lcConnString' variable:

   * The following program creates a DSN-less connection
   * and shows the defaults for the Connection object for
   * this specific driver

   oConnection = CREATEOBJECT("ADODB.Connection")
   lcConnString = "DRIVER={SQL Server};" + ;
      "SERVER=YourServerName;" + ;
   lcUID = "YourUserID"
   lcPWD = "YourPassword"

   oConnection.OPEN(lcConnString, lcUID, lcPWD)

   lcTitle = "Default connection properties"
   lcText = "Attributes: " + LTRIM(STR(oConnection.ATTRIBUTES)) + CR + ;
      "Command Timeout: " + LTRIM(STR(oConnection.CommandTimeout)) + CR + ;
      "Connection String: " + oConnection.ConnectionString  + CR + ;
      "Connection Timeout: " + ;
         LTRIM(STR(oConnection.ConnectionTimeout)) + CR + ;
      "Cursor Location: " + ;
         LTRIM(STR(oConnection.CursorLocation)) + CR + ;
      "Default Database: " + oConnection.DefaultDatabase + CR + ;
      "Isolation Level: " + LTRIM(STR(oConnection.IsolationLevel)) + CR + ;
      "Mode: " + LTRIM(STR(oConnection.Mode)) + CR + ;
      "Provider: " + oConnection.Provider + CR + ;
      "State: " + LTRIM(STR(oConnection.State)) + CR + ;
      "Version: " + oConnection.VERSION


If the connection is successfully created when you run this program, a message box appears that contains information about the defaults for the connection. Properties such as the cursor location (2 = Server-side cursors, 3 = Client-side cursors) might differ for different drivers.


For definitions of the return values for Mode, State, IsolationLevel, and CursorLocation, please see the include file Adovfp.h included with the sample program Rs2Dbf.exe in the Microsoft Software Library. To download Rs2Dbf.exe, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

192692 SAMPLE: Rs2dbf.exe Converting ADO 2.x Recordset to VFP Cursor

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:7/1/2004
Keywords:kbDatabase kbhowto kbSQLProg KB195236