When a user connects to a Web site that is configured to use Microsoft
Personalization and Membership Server, he or she is prompted for a user
name and password. If the specified user name is not found in the
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) database, the LDAP log
reports an error code of 32. LDAP RFC 1777 defines this result code as "no
such object." The following is an example of such an LDAP log entry: , cn=MBSBRKR2_SERVER1,ou=members,o=test, 9/28/98,
11:21:05, LDAPSVC2, SERVER1, -, 6713133, 1471, 24886, 32, 0, SEARCH,
CN=kjhbe,ou=members,o=test, NULL,
However, if a valid user name is specified with an invalid password, the
LDAP log shows a 0 result code, which means a success. Below is an example
of such an LDAP log entry: , cn=MBSBRKR2_SERVER1,ou=members,o=test, 9/28/98,
11:26:46, LDAPSVC2, SERVER1, -, 7054063, 1557, 24901, 0, 0, SEARCH,
CN=administrator,ou=members,o=test, NULL,
If the password is invalid, a counter is incremented that causes the
account to be blacked out after 25 incorrect password attempts within
three minutes. To change AuthAccountDenyTimeout and
AuthAccountDenyThreshold settings, see the following article in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base:
ARTICLE-ID: 194783
TITLE : PMAdmin Fails to Set AuthAccountDenyThreshold or Timeout
All accounts that are blacked out are logged in the Windows NT Event log.