Controls shipped in Visual Basic 6.0 (194784)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Visual Basic Learning Edition for Windows 6.0
  • Microsoft Visual Basic Professional Edition for Windows 6.0
  • Microsoft Visual Basic Enterprise Edition for Windows 6.0

This article was previously published under Q194784


This article lists all the intrinsic and ActiveX controls shipped in Visual Basic. The list includes the ActiveX component file name, display name, version number, date, size, and the controls in the component.

The ActiveX component files installed depend on the options chosen during installation. Many files are not installed with the product and must be installed separately. Instructions for installing these controls will be in a Readme.txt file in the same directory as the uninstalled controls.


Control summary

The following is a summary of ActiveX control files shipped with the different editions of Visual Basic:
   ActiveX Control                         FileName     Version    Edition*

   ADO Data Control 6.0 (OLEDB)           MSADODC.ocx   6.00.8171  L,P,E

   AXBrowse                               VCMAXB.ocx    6.00.8169  P,E

   Cdlg                                   RepCdlg.ocx   6.00.8161  P,E

   Chart Control 6.0                      MSChart.ocx   6.00.8079  P,E

   Chart Control 6.0 (OLEDB)              MSChrt20.ocx  6.00.8177  P,E

   Comm Control 6.0                       MSComm32.ocx  6.00.8169  P,E

   Common Controls-3 6.0                  ComCt332.ocx  6.00.8169  P,E

   Common Dialog Control 5.0 (SP2)        Comdlg32.ocx  5.01.4319  E

   Common Dialog Control 6.0              ComDlg32.ocx  6.00.8169  L,P,E

   Data Bound Grid Control 5.0(SP3)       DBGrid32.OCX  5.1.814    P,E

   Data Bound List Controls 6.0           DBList32.ocx  6.00.8169  L,P,E

   DataGrid Control 6.0 (OLEDB)           MSDatGrd.ocx  6.00.8169  L,P,E

   DataList Control 6.0 (OLEDB)           MSDatLst.ocx  6.00.8169  L,P,E

   DataRepeater Control 6.0 (OLEDB)       MSDatRep.ocx  6.00.8169  P,E

   Desaware Animated Button Control       AniBtn32.OCX  1.00.036   P,E

   FlexGrid Control 5.0 (SP2)             Msflxgrd.ocx  5.01.4319  E

   FlexGrid Control 6.0                   MSFlxGrd.ocx  6.00.8169  L,P,E

   Grid Control                           Grid32.ocx    1.0.2908   P,E

   Grid Control                           Grid32.ocx    1.00.2930  P,E

   Hierarchical FlexGrid Control 6.0      MSHFlxGd.ocx  6.00.3005  L,P,E

   Internet Transfer Control 6.0          MSInet.ocx    6.00.8169  P,E

   MAPI Controls 6.0                      MSMAPI32.ocx  6.00.8169  P,E

   Masked Edit Control 6.0                MSMask32.ocx  6.00.8169  P,E

   MicroHelp Gauge Control                Gauge32.ocx   1.00.0024  P,E

   MicroHelp Key State Control            KeySta32.ocx  1.00.0024  P,E

   MSFlexGrid Wizard                      FlexWiz.ocx   6.00.8169  P,E

   Multimedia Control 6.0                 Mci32.ocx     6.00.8169  P,E

   Outline Control                        MSOutl32.ocx  1.00.2922  P,E

   Outrider SpinButton Control            Spin32.ocx    1.00.0044  P,E

   PictureClip Control 6.0                PicClp32.ocx  6.00.8169  P,E

   Pinnacle-BPS Graph Control             Graph32.ocx   1.00.047   P,E

   RemoteData Control 6.0                 Msrdc20.ocx   6.00.8169  E

   Rich TextBox Control 6.0               RichTx32.ocx  6.00.8169  L,P,E

   Script Control 1.0                     MSScript.ocx  1.0.02604  P,E

   SysInfo Control 6.0                    SysInfo.ocx   6.00.8169  P,E

   Tabbed Dialog Control 5.0 (SP2)        Tabctl32.ocx  5.01.4319  E

   Tabbed Dialog Control 6.0              TabCtl32.ocx  6.00.8169  L,P,E

   THREED32                               Threed32.ocx  1.00.0041  P,E

   Vbsql OLE Custom control module        Vbsql.ocx     6.50.163   E

   VisModelBrowser                        VCMVMB.ocx    6.00.8169  P,E

   Visual Basic 6.0 Application Wizard    AppWiz.OCX    6.00.8177  L,P,E

   Visual Basic 6.0 DataForm Wizard       DataForm.ocx  6.00.8169  P,E

   Visual Basic 6.0 MSChart Wizard        ChartWiz.ocx  6.00.8177  P,E

   Windowless Controls 6.0                MSWLess.ocx   6.00.8169  P,E

   Windows Common Controls 5.0 (SP2)      Comctl32.ocx  5.1.4319   E

   Windows Common Controls 5.0 (SP2)      ComCtl32.ocx  6.00.8022  L,P,E

   Windows Common Controls 6.0            MSComCtl.ocx  6.00.8177  L,P,E

   Windows Common Controls                Comctl32.ocx  1.00.2415  E

   Windows Common Controls-2 5.0 (SP2)    Comct232.ocx  5.01.4319  E

   Windows Common Controls-2 5.0 (SP2)    ComCt232.ocx  6.00.8022  L,P,E

   Windows Common Controls-2 6.0          MSComCt2.ocx  6.00.8177  L,P,E

   Winsock Control 6.0                    MSWinsck.OCX  6.00.8169  P,E

*L = Learning Edition
*P = Professional Edition
*E = Enterprise Edition

Intrinsic controls

The following controls are contained inside the Visual Basic executable file and always appear in the ToolBox:
  • Check Box
  • Combo Box
  • Command Button
  • Data
  • Directory List Box
  • Drive List Box
  • File List Box
  • Frame
  • Horizontal Scroll Bar
  • Image
  • Label
  • Line
  • List Box
  • Menu
  • OLE Container
  • Option Button
  • Picture Box
  • Shape
  • Text Box
  • Timer
  • Vertical Scroll Bar

ActiveX components

The components listed below are arranged by the edition in which the component ships and the file name. Each file name contains the following:
  • Display name
  • Version number
  • File date
  • File size
  • File location on the distribution disk
  • Controls included with the components.

Learning Edition

The following ActiveX components ship in the Learning Edition:
   ComCtl32.ocx   Microsoft Windows Common Controls 5.0 (SP2)
                  Version: 6.00.8022
                  Size: 609,584 bytes
                  Source Directory: \os\system
                  Controls: ImageList
                            Status Bar

   ComCt232.ocx   Microsoft Windows Common Controls-2 5.0 (SP2)
                  Version: 6.00.8022
                  Size: 164,144 bytes
                  Source Directory: \os\system
                  Controls: Animation

   ComDlg32.ocx   Microsoft Common Dialog Control 6.0
                  Version: 6.00.8169
                  Size: 140,096 bytes
                  Source Directory: \os\system
                  Controls: CommonDialog

   DBList32.ocx   Microsoft Data Bound List Controls 6.0 (OLEDB)
                  Version: 6.00.8169
                  Size: 200,496 bytes
                  Source Directory: \os\system
                  Controls: DBCombo

   MSADODC.ocx   Microsoft ADO Data Control 6.0 (OLEDB)
                 Version: 6.00.8171
                 Size: 118,064 bytes
                 Source Directory: \os\system
                 Controls: ADODC

   MSComCt2.ocx   Microsoft Windows Common Controls-2 6.0
                  Version: 6.00.8177
                  Size: 644,400 bytes
                  Source Directory: \os\system
                  Controls: Animation

   MSComCtl.ocx   Microsoft Windows Common Controls 6.0
                  Version: 6.00.8177
                  Size: 1,062,704 bytes
                  Source Directory: \os\system
                  Controls: ImageCombo

   MSDatGrd.ocx   Microsoft DataGrid Control 6.0 (OLEDB)
                  Version: 6.00.8169
                  Size: 260,920 bytes
                  Source Directory: \os\system
                  Controls: DataGrid

   MSDatLst.ocx   Microsoft DataList Control 6.0 (OLEDB)
                  Version: 6.00.8169
                  Size: 232,248 bytes
                  Source Directory: \os\system
                  Controls: DataCombo

   MSFlxGrd.ocx   Microsoft FlexGrid Control 6.0
                  Version: 6.00.8169
                  Size: 244,024 bytes
                  Source Directory: \os\system
                  Controls: MSFlexGrid

   MSHFlxGd.ocx   Microsoft Hierarchical FlexGrid Control 6.0
                  Version: 6.00.3005
                  Size: 407,104 bytes
                  Source Directory: \os\system
                  Controls: MSHFlexGrid

   RichTx32.ocx   Microsoft Rich TextBox Control 6.0
                  Version: 6.00.8169
                  Size: 203,576 bytes
                  Source Directory: \os\system
                  Controls: RichTextBox

   TabCtl32.ocx   Microsoft Tabbed Dialog Control 6.0
                  Version: 6.00.8169
                  Size: 209,192 bytes
                  Source Directory: \os\system
                  Controls: SSTab

Professional Edition

In addition to all the components in the Learning Edition, the following ActiveX components are included in the Professional Edition:
   AniBtn32.OCX   Desaware Animated Button Control
                  Version: 1.00.036
                  Size: 149,552 bytes
                  Source Directory: \Common\Tools\VB\Controls
                  Controls: AniPushButton

   AppWiz.OCX     Visual Basic 6.0 Application Wizard
                  Version: 6.00.8177
                  Size: 831,488 bytes
                  Source Directory: \VB98\Wizards
                  Controls: SubWizard

   ChartWiz.ocx   Visual Basic 6.0 MSChart Wizard
                  Version: 6.00.8177
                  Size: 147,456 bytes
                  Source Directory: \VB98\Wizards
                  Controls: SubWizard

   ComCt332.ocx   Microsoft Common Controls - 3 6.0
                  Version: 6.00.8169
                  Size: 369,696 bytes

                  Source Directory: \os\system
                  Controls: CoolBar

   DataForm.ocx   Visual Basic 6.0 DataForm Wizard
                  Version: 6.00.8169
                  Size: 541,728 bytes
                  Source Directory: \vb98\wizards
                  Controls: ctlWizards

   DBGrid32.OCX   Microsoft Data Bound Grid Control 5.0(SP3)
                  Version: 5.1.814
                  Size: 525,352 bytes
                  Source Directory: \common\tools\vb\controls
                  Controls: DBGrid

   FlexWiz.ocx    MSFlexGrid Wizard
                  Version: 6.00.8169
                  Size: 226,328 bytes
                  Source Directory: \vb98\wizards
                  Controls: SubWizard

   Gauge32.ocx    MicroHelp Gauge Control
                  Version: 1.00.0024
                  Size: 68,640 bytes
                  Source Directory: \common\tools\vb\controls
                  Controls: Gauge

   Graph32.ocx    Pinnacle-BPS Graph Control
                  Version: 1.00.047
                  Size: 216,096 bytes
                  Source Directory: \common\tools\vb\controls
                  Controls: Graph

   Grid32.ocx     Microsoft Grid Control
                  Version: 1.0.2908
                  Size: 94,744 bytes
                  Source Directory: \common\tools\vb\controls
                  Controls: Grid

   Grid32.ocx     Microsoft Grid Control
                  Version: 1.00.2930
                  Size: 92,160 bytes
                  Source Directory: \common\tools\vb\controls\bidi
                  Controls: Grid

   KeySta32.ocx   MicroHelp Key State Control
                  Version: 1.00.0024
                  Size: 123432 bytes
                  Source Directory: \common\tools\vb\controls
                  Controls: MhState

   MSChart.ocx    Microsoft Chart Control 6.0
                  Version: 6.00.8079
                  Size: 97,9728 bytes
                  Source Directory: \common\tools\vb\controls
                  Controls: MSChart

   MSChrt20.ocx   Microsoft Chart Control 6.0 (OLEDB)
                  Version: 6.00.8177
                  Size: 1,008,432 bytes
                  Source Directory: \os\system
                  Controls: MSChart

   Mci32.ocx      Microsoft Multimedia Control 6.0
                  Version: 6.00.8169
                  Size: 198,456 bytes
                  Source Directory: \os\system
                  Controls: MMControl

   MSComm32.ocx   Microsoft Comm Control 6.0
                  Version: 6.00.8169
                  Size: 103,744 bytes
                  Source Directory: \os\system
                  Controls: MSComm

   MSDatRep.ocx   Microsoft DataRepeater Control 6.0 (OLEDB)
                  Version: 6.00.8169
                  Size: 187,712 bytes
                  Source Directory: \os\system
                  Controls: DataRepeater

   MSInet.ocx     Microsoft Internet Transfer Control 6.0
                  Version: 6.00.8169
                  Size: 115,016 bytes
                  Source Directory: \os\system
                  Controls: Inet

   MSMAPI32.ocx   Microsoft MAPI Controls 6.0
                  Version: 6.00.8169
                  Size: 137,000 bytes
                  Source Directory: \os\system
                  Controls: MAPIMessages

   MSMask32.ocx   Microsoft Masked Edit Control 6.0
                  Version: 6.00.8169
                  Size: 166,200 bytes
                  Source Directory: \os\system
                  Controls: MaskEdBox

   MSOutl32.ocx   Microsoft Outline Control
                  Version: 1.00.2922
                  Size: 84,000 bytes
                  Source Directory: \common\tools\vb\controls
                  Controls: Outline

   MSScript.ocx   Microsoft Script Control 1.0
                  Version: 1.0.02604
                  Size: 133,392 bytes
                  Source Directory: \common\tools\vb\script
                  Controls: ScriptControl

   MSWinsck.OCX   Microsoft Winsock Control 6.0>
                  Version: 6.00.8169
                  Size: 108,336 bytes
                  Source Directory: \os\system
                  Controls: Winsock

   MSWLess.ocx    Microsoft Windowless Controls 6.0
                  Version: 6.00.8169
                  Size: 386,872 bytes
                  Source Directory: \common\tools\vb\winless
                  Controls: WLCheck

   PicClp32.ocx   Microsoft PictureClip Control 6.0
                  Version: 6.00.8169
                  Size: 82,744 bytes
                  Source Directory: \os\system
                  Controls: PictureClip

   RepCdlg.ocx    Cdlg>
                  Version: 6.00.8161
                  Size: 119,848 bytes
                  Source Directory: \os\msapps\repostry
                  Controls:   RepCdg

   Spin32.ocx     Outrider SpinButton Control
                  Version: 1.00.0044
                  Size: 57,880 bytes
                  Source Directory: \common\tools\vb\controls
                  Controls: SpinButton

   SysInfo.ocx    Microsoft SysInfo Control 6.0
                  Version: 6.00.8169
                  Size: 67,376 bytes
                  Source Directory: \os\system
                  Controls: SysInfo

   Threed32.ocx     Version: 1.00.0041
                  Size: 205,848 bytes
                  Source Directory: \common\tools\vb\controls
                  Controls: SSCheck

   VCMAXB.ocx     AXBrowse
                  Version: 6.00.8169
                  Size: 74,792 bytes
                  Source Directory: \common\tools\vcm
                  Controls: AxBrowser

   VCMVMB.ocx     VisModelBrowser
                  Version: 6.00.8169
                  Size: 95,264 bytes
                  Source Directory: \common\tools\vcm
                  Controls: VMBrowser

Enterprise Edition

In addition to all the components in the Professional Edition, the following ActiveX components are included in the Enterprise Edition. Unless otherwise documented, the following controls are stored in Disk 1:
   Comdlg32.ocx   Microsoft Common Dialog Control 5.0 (SP2)
                  Version: 5.01.4319
                  Size: 129,808 bytes
                  Source Directory: \disk2\sna4\ntclient\comti
                  Controls: CommonDialog

   Comct232.ocx   Microsoft Windows Common Controls-2 58.0(SP2)
                  Version: 5.01.4319
                  Size: 155,920 bytes
                  Source Directory: \disk2\sna4\ntclient\comti
                  Controls: Animation

   Comctl32.ocx   Microsoft Windows Common Controls
                  Version: 1.00.2415
                  Size: 330,752 bytes
                  Source Directory: \disk2\sql\i386
                  Controls: ImageList
                            Status Bar

   Comctl32.ocx   Microsoft Windows Common Controls 5.0 (SP2)
                  Version: 5.1.4319
                  Size: 604,432 bytes
                  Source Directory: \disk2\sna4\ntclient\comti
                  Controls: ImageList
                            Status Bar

   ComCtl32.ocx   Microsoft Windows Common Controls 5.0 (SP2)
                  Version: 6.00.8022
                  Size: 609,584 bytes
                  Source Directory: \disk2\ape_ss\os\system
                  Controls: ImageList
                            Status Bar

   ComDlg32.ocx   Microsoft Common Dialog Control 6.0
                  Version: 6.00.8169
                  Size: 140,096 bytes
                  Source Directory: \disk2\ape_ss\os\system
                  Controls: CommonDialog

   MSComCtl.ocx   Microsoft Windows Common Controls 6.0
                  Version: 6.00.8177
                  Size: 1,062,704 bytes
                  Source Directory: \disk2\ape_ss\os\system
                  Controls: ImageCombo

   Msflxgrd.ocx   Microsoft FlexGrid Control 5.0 (SP2)
                  Version: 5.01.4319
                  Size: 227,600 bytes
                  Source Directory: \disk2\sna4\ntclient\comti
                  Controls: MSFlexGrid

   Msrdc20.ocx    Microsoft RemoteData Control 6.0
                  Version: 6.00.8169
                  Size: 176,440 bytes
                  Source Directory: \os\system and \disk2\ape_ss\os\system
                  Controls: MSRDC

   SysInfo.ocx    Microsoft SysInfo Control 6.0
                  Version: 6.00.8169
                  Size: 67,376 bytes
                  Source Directory: \disk2\ape_ss\os\system
                  Controls: SysInfo

   Spin32.ocx     Outrider SpinButton Control
                  Version: 1.00.0044
                  Size: 52,736 bytes
                  Source Directory: \disk2\sql\i386
                  Controls: SpinButton

   Tabctl32.ocx   Microsoft Tabbed Dialog Control 5.0 (SP2)
                  Version: 5.01.4319
                  Size: 192,784 bytes
                  Source Directory: \disk2\sna4\ntclient\comti
                  Controls: SSTab

   Vbsql.ocx      Vbsql OLE Custom control module
                  Version: 6.50.163
                  Size: 43,520 bytes
                  Source Directory: \disk2\sql\ptk\i386
                  Controls: Vbsql

Internet Explorer 4.01 ActiveX controls

The following controls are shipped with Internet Explorer version 4.01:
   ActiveX Control                              FileName      Version

   ActiveMovie Control                          Amovie.ocx

   Active Setup Control Library                 Asctrls.ocx   4.72.3110.6

   DirectAnimation Media Controls               Daxctle.ocx

   FlUpl Control Library                        Flupl.ocx     7.0.794.27

   Intel Procedural Effect Library              Proctexe.ocx

   Internet Controls                            Shdocvw.dll   4.72.3110.3

   NetShow File Transfer Control Type Library   Nsfile.ocx

   NetShow Player                               Nsplay.ocx

   ShockWave Flash                              Swflash.ocx

   Tabular Data Control 1.1 Type Library        tdc.ocx


For more information, see Books Online for Microsoft Visual Basic version 6.0.

For more information about general file versioning, visit the following Microsoft Web site: For additional information about how to search the Knowedge Base for Internet Explorer articles, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

168243 Search the Knowedge Base for Internet Explorer articles

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:1/12/2005
Keywords:kbCompatVers kbCtrl kbFAQ kbinfo kbtophit KB194784