ATRN is a mechanism that allows systems with dynamic IP addresses to
retrieve SMTP mail. The following paragraph describes how ATRN works.
The initial client and server roles are short-lived, as the point is to
allow the intermittently-connected host to request mail held for it by a
service provider. The customer (client) initiates a connection to the
provider (server), authenticates, and requests its mail. The roles of
client and server then reverse, and a normal ESMTP conversation proceeds.
Unlike ETRN, an ATRN conversation takes place within the same TCP
connection, therefore eliminating the need for a static IP address.
For more information on ATRN, please refer to the current internet draft
entitled "ON-DEMAND MAIL RELAY (ODMR)" by R. Gellens.
Configuring ATRN
To configure the mail services for ATRN, you will need to run a script.
The following is a very basic Visual Basic script that demonstrates how to
set the keys needed for ATRN. The values are written in the script. It
runs without trace messages, and the ONLY thing it does is configure a
domain called to queue mail for ATRN.
You can modify this script to set ATRN for another domain by changing the
value for rAction. The username and password can be changed by modifying
the values for rUser and rPass respectively. The virtual server can also
be modified by changing the value for rSite.
The path in the GetObject statement controls which virtual server will be
modified and takes the following form:
MachineName can be any computer name or LocalHost, and
n is the nth
service instance (also known as a site or a virtual server).
ATRN Script
Copy everything between <Start Script> and <End Script>, paste it into
Notepad, save the file, and name it "Atrn.vbs," and then run the script
using the following command at the MS-DOS prompt:
NOTE: The Windows NT Option Pack (required to install MCIS 2.0) installs
the Windows Script Host by default. You can use Cscript.exe from the
Windows Script Host to run this script.
<Start Script>
Dim MasterObj, NewDomObj, NewMetaObj, rAction, rType
Dim rUser, rPass, rTurn, rSite
rSite = 1
rAction = ""
rType = "514"
rUser = "TestUser"
rPass = "password"
Set MasterObj = GetObject("IIS://LocalHost/SMTPSVC/" & rSite & "/domain")
set NewDomObj = MasterObj.Create ("IIsSmtpDomain",rAction)
NewDomObj.KeyType = "IIsSmtpDomain"
Set NewMetaObj = GetObject("IIS://LocalHost/SMTPSVC/" & rSite & "/domain/" & rAction)
NewMetaObj.Put "AuthTURNList", rUser
NewMetaObj.Put "RouteUserName", rUser
NewMetaObj.Put "RoutePassword", rPass
NewMetaObj.Put "RouteAction", rType
NewMetaObj.Put "RouteActionString",rAction
<End Script>
NOTE: This script will return the following error message if run again without
changing the domain name (rAction):
Cannot create a file when that file already exists
This script can only be used to create an ATRN domain, not modify
an existing domain.