When using the OLE DB Templates with an Access database, it
is often necessary to add records to a table that contains an autonumber
Enabling the autonumber column to increment properly with
the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Jet 3.51 requires some care. To accomplish
the task, two accessors are required:
- one, for inserting new records, that contains the
autonumber column so it can be retrieved and used in the application.
- one that does not contain the autonumber column.
How to use Multiple Accessors with the OLE DB Templates is
documented in the MSDN in the FAQ for the Consumer Templates inside the Visual
C++ documentation.
The following sample code displays how to define
multiple accessors:
BEGIN_ACCESSOR_MAP(CProductsAccessor, 2) // Pass number of accessors
BEGIN_ACCESSOR(0, true) // true = an auto accessor
COLUMN_ENTRY(2, m_ProductName)
COLUMN_ENTRY(3, m_UnitPrice)
COLUMN_ENTRY(4, m_UnitsInStock)
COLUMN_ENTRY(5, m_UnitsOnOrder)
COLUMN_ENTRY(6, m_ReorderLevel)
BEGIN_ACCESSOR(1, false) // false = not an autoaccessor
COLUMN_ENTRY(1, m_ProductID)
Code to add a new record to the table would resemble the
CProducts rs;
strcpy(rs.ProductName,"New product name");
rs.UnitPrice = 10;
rs.UnitsInStock = 0;
rs.UnitsOnOrder = 100;
rs.ReorderLevel = 25;
This code inserts the new record using the auto accessor; the
ProductId column, which is defined as an autonumber column, will be
automatically updated by Jet. If we had included the autonumber column in the
auto accessor, the OLE DB Provider for Jet 3.51 would have used whatever value
we had assigned to m_ProductID when it updated the column and not used an
autoincrement value.