You may receive the following Service Control Manager pop-up error message:
At least one service or driver failed during system startup. Use Event
Viewer to examine the event log for details.
DHCP Server service fails to start with DHCPSERVER event 1007 and 1008 and
Service Control Manager (SCM) event 7023.
Event 1007,
Description: The DHCP Server failed to initialize winsock data. The
following error occurred.
Data: 002741 (WORD) or 0000: 41 27 00 00 A' . . (Byte)
Event 1008:
Description: The DHCP Server is shutting down due to the following
Data: 002741 (Word) or 0000: 41 27 00 00 A' . . (Byte)
Event 7023
Source: SCM
Description: The Microsoft DHCP Server terminated with the following
error: (blank)
Data: (none)
When you start the DHCP Server service manually from Control Panel, you
receive the following error message:
Can't start the Microsoft DHCP Server Service on \\<machine-name>.
Error 2140: An Internal Windows NT Error Occurred.
When you start the DHCP Server service from a command line, the following
error message will be produced:
System error 10049 has occurred.
The system cannot find message for message number 0x2741.
The message file for BASE.
There may be more than one reason for this problem. One possible reason is that the server's IP address or addresses listed in the registry contains leading zeros in one or more octets. For example:
When the DHCP Server service starts, it fails to come up on any of these
Adding leading zeros to the IP address from TCP/IP GUI Setup will not write
to registry. However, it is possible to enter leading zeros in IP addresses
in an Unattend.txt file; these leading zeros can be written to registry.