How To Use GetDeviceCaps to Determine Margins on a Page (193943)
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Visual Basic Standard Edition, 32-bit, for Windows 4.0
- Microsoft Visual Basic Professional Edition, 32-bit, for Windows 4.0
- Microsoft Visual Basic Enterprise Edition, 32-bit, for Windows 4.0
- Microsoft Visual Basic Learning Edition for Windows 5.0
- Microsoft Visual Basic Learning Edition for Windows 6.0
- Microsoft Visual Basic Professional Edition for Windows 5.0
- Microsoft Visual Basic Professional Edition for Windows 6.0
- Microsoft Visual Basic Enterprise Edition for Windows 5.0
- Microsoft Visual Basic Enterprise Edition for Windows 6.0
This article was previously published under Q193943 SUMMARY
The Visual Basic Printer object only exposes the physical size and
printable area of the paper you are printing on and does not give you
access to the actual margins or unprintable areas. You can retrieve this
information, however, by using the Win32 API function, GetDeviceCaps. This
article demonstrates how to retrieve and use this information.
GetDeviceCaps only takes two arguments. The first is a handle to the Device
Context, "DC", of the device you want to query. In the example below, this
is always the current printer. The second argument is a Long value that
specifies the item to return. The following example includes only the
definitions for the constants actually used in the demonstration code. In
general, the units of the return value vary, but for the items used here,
the unit of measurement is always pixels.
In the sample below, Command1 contains code that calls the GetDeviceCaps
API multiple times to retrieve various bits of printer information, which
are then displayed all at once at the end of the routine. The information
retrieved includes all of the default margins and describes the printable
area of the page.
The code for Command2 retrieves and uses the printer information to
determine the lowest printing position on the page, and uses this to print
a centered page footer that includes a page number. A page header,
including the current date, right-justified, is printer at the top of each
page. In addition, a report header prints at the top of the first page
only. The sample further demonstrates setting custom margins within the
printable area using the technique of checking the current X or Y position
against a limit imposed in the code. You can easily modify this to allow
the user to choose these margins and even the text for the footers or
The printable area of the page always starts at position 0,0 (Printer.CurrentX = 0 and Printer.CurrentY = 0). By setting these values you can get to any point on the page. The PrintHeader procedure prints some text in italics, and other text normally, on the same line. It does this by changing the CurrentX and CurrentY values to return to a new position on line that was previously printed.
NOTE: You can also mix font attributes by ending a print statement with a ";" semicolon. This retains the last print position without starting a new line at CurrentX = 0, which is the default behavior. In this way, you can print some text, change font attributes (bold, italic, and so on), then
print more text starting right where you left off.
Step-by-Step Example- Start a new project in Visual Basic. Form1 is created by default.
- Add two CommandButtons to the Form and paste the following code into the Form's module:
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function GetDeviceCaps Lib "gdi32" _
(ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long
' Constants for nIndex argument of GetDeviceCaps
Private Const HORZRES = 8
Private Const VERTRES = 10
Private Const LOGPIXELSX = 88
Private Const LOGPIXELSY = 90
Private Const PHYSICALWIDTH = 110
Private Const PHYSICALHEIGHT = 111
Private Const PHYSICALOFFSETX = 112
Private Const PHYSICALOFFSETY = 113
Private Sub PrintHeader(PrintTitle As Boolean, Margins As Long, _
LMargin As Long)
Dim BodyFontBold As Boolean, BodyFontSize As Integer
Dim BodyFontItalic As Boolean, HeaderLine As String
Dim PrtPositionX As Integer, PrtPositionY As Integer
If PrintTitle Then ' Only Print Title on first Page
PrtPositionX = Printer.Width / 2 ' center of page
' Save any attributes you change for the header...
BodyFontBold = Printer.Font.Bold
BodyFontSize = Printer.Font.Size
' Change the font for the header...
Printer.Font.Size = 16
Printer.Font.Bold = True
' Print header lines...
HeaderLine = "Title of This Test Report"
' Center Report title
Printer.CurrentX = PrtPositionX - (LMargin + _
Printer.TextWidth(HeaderLine) / 2)
Printer.Print HeaderLine
' Reset the font...
Printer.Font.Size = BodyFontSize
Printer.Font.Bold = BodyFontBold
Printer.NewPage ' Otherwise we are at the bottom of a page
End If
PrtPositionY = Printer.CurrentY ' remember this line
BodyFontItalic = Printer.Font.Italic
Printer.Font.Italic = True
Printer.Print "My very nice, Visual Basic report"
Printer.Font.Italic = BodyFontItalic
HeaderLine = Format(Date, "Long Date")
' Right justify today's date
Printer.CurrentX = Printer.Width - (Margins + _
Printer.CurrentY = PrtPositionY ' return to previous line
Printer.Print HeaderLine
End Sub
Private Sub PrintFooter(LastLine As Integer, _
LineHeight As Integer, LMargin As Long)
Dim PrtPositionX As Integer, PrintText As String
Static PageNum As Integer
PageNum = PageNum + 1
PrtPositionX = Printer.Width / 2 ' center of page
' Move to the end of the page to print the Page Footer:
' LastLine is where there is only room for one more line.
' Set CurrentY to LastLine minus LineHeight times the number of
' additional lines in the Footer.
Printer.CurrentY = LastLine - LineHeight ' for 2 footer lines
PrintText = "Sample Page Footer"
' Print the Footer text centered
Printer.CurrentX = PrtPositionX - (LMargin + _
Printer.TextWidth(PrintText) / 2)
Printer.Print PrintText
PrintText = "This is Page " & CStr(PageNum) & " of Test Report"
Printer.CurrentX = PrtPositionX - (LMargin + _
Printer.TextWidth(PrintText) / 2)
Printer.Print PrintText
End Sub
Private Function GetLargeString() As String
Dim BaseString As String, I As Integer
BaseString = "This is just a fairly long string to demonstrate how "
BaseString = BaseString & "to wrap text to impose your own right "
BaseString = BaseString & "margin. "
For I = 1 To 2 ' See Q298825 to use a larger String
BaseString = BaseString & BaseString
Next I
GetLargeString = BaseString
End Function
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim dpiX As Long, dpiY As Long
Dim MarginLeft As Long, MarginRight As Long
Dim MarginTop As Long, MarginBottom As Long
Dim PrintAreaHorz As Long, PrintAreaVert As Long
Dim PhysHeight As Long, PhysWidth As Long
Dim Info As String
dpiX = GetDeviceCaps(Printer.hdc, LOGPIXELSX)
Info = "Pixels X: " & dpiX & " dpi"
dpiY = GetDeviceCaps(Printer.hdc, LOGPIXELSY)
Info = Info & vbCrLf & "Pixels Y: " & dpiY & " dpi"
MarginLeft = GetDeviceCaps(Printer.hdc, PHYSICALOFFSETX)
Info = Info & vbCrLf & "Unprintable space on left: " & _
MarginLeft & " pixels = " & MarginLeft / dpiX & " inches"
MarginTop = GetDeviceCaps(Printer.hdc, PHYSICALOFFSETY)
Info = Info & vbCrLf & "Unprintable space on top: " & _
MarginTop & " pixels = " & MarginTop / dpiY & " inches"
PrintAreaHorz = GetDeviceCaps(Printer.hdc, HORZRES)
Info = Info & vbCrLf & "Printable space (Horizontal): " & _
PrintAreaHorz & " pixels = " & PrintAreaHorz / dpiX & " inches"
PrintAreaVert = GetDeviceCaps(Printer.hdc, VERTRES)
Info = Info & vbCrLf & "Printable space (Vertical): " & _
PrintAreaVert & " pixels = " & PrintAreaVert / dpiY & " inches"
PhysWidth = GetDeviceCaps(Printer.hdc, PHYSICALWIDTH)
Info = Info & vbCrLf & "Total space (Horizontal): " & _
PhysWidth & " pixels = " & PhysWidth / dpiX & " inches"
MarginRight = PhysWidth - PrintAreaHorz - MarginLeft
Info = Info & vbCrLf & "Unprintable space on right: " & _
MarginRight & " pixels = " & MarginRight / dpiX & " inches"
PhysHeight = GetDeviceCaps(Printer.hdc, PHYSICALHEIGHT)
Info = Info & vbCrLf & "Total space (Vertical): " & _
PhysHeight & " pixels = " & PhysHeight / dpiY & " inches"
MarginBottom = PhysHeight - PrintAreaVert - MarginTop
Info = Info & vbCrLf & "Unprintable space on bottom: " & _
MarginBottom & " pixels = " & MarginBottom / dpiY & " inches"
MsgBox Info, , "GetDeviceCaps Returned the Following:"
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Dim FooterLines As Integer, TextLine As String
Dim LineHeight As Integer, LastLine As Integer
Dim TotWidth As Long, TotHeight As Long
Dim MarginTop As Long, MarginBottom As Long
Dim TotalPrtAreaVert As Long, TotalPrtAreaHorz As Long
Dim MarginLeft As Long, MarginRight As Long
Dim LeftMargin As Long, HorzMargins As Long
Dim Line As Integer, RptHeaderPrint As Boolean
Dim BreakPoint As Integer, PrintLength As Integer
Dim TempString As String, CharLength As Integer
Dim WrapPoint As Integer, EstWrapPoint As Integer
Printer.Font.Name = "Arial"
Printer.Font.Size = 12
' The next 8 values are in Pixels.
' TotalPrtAreaVert is eqivalent to Printer.ScaleHeight
TotalPrtAreaVert = GetDeviceCaps(Printer.hdc, VERTRES)
TotHeight = GetDeviceCaps(Printer.hdc, PHYSICALHEIGHT)
MarginTop = GetDeviceCaps(Printer.hdc, PHYSICALOFFSETY)
MarginBottom = TotHeight - TotalPrtAreaVert - MarginTop
' TotalPrtAreaHorz is eqivalent to Printer.ScaleWidth
TotalPrtAreaHorz = GetDeviceCaps(Printer.hdc, HORZRES)
TotWidth = GetDeviceCaps(Printer.hdc, PHYSICALWIDTH)
MarginLeft = GetDeviceCaps(Printer.hdc, PHYSICALOFFSETX)
MarginRight = TotWidth - TotalPrtAreaHorz - MarginLeft
HorzMargins = (MarginRight + MarginLeft) * Printer.TwipsPerPixelX
LeftMargin = MarginLeft * Printer.TwipsPerPixelX
' Covert to twips for ease of use
TotalPrtAreaHorz = TotalPrtAreaHorz * Printer.TwipsPerPixelX
LineHeight = Printer.TextHeight("Test")
FooterLines = 2 ' number of lines in footer
LastLine = TotalPrtAreaVert * Printer.TwipsPerPixelY - LineHeight
' Set the break point a line high so we can check it after printing
BreakPoint = LastLine - LineHeight * FooterLines
' reduce the right margin by 1 inch, which is 1440 twips
PrintLength = TotalPrtAreaHorz - 1440
PrintHeader True, HorzMargins, LeftMargin ' Report Header
RptHeaderPrint = False
' Print the Footer when the current Y position >=
' LastLine - LineHeight * <Number Of Lines In Footer>
For Line = 1 To 120
If RptHeaderPrint Then
PrintHeader False, HorzMargins, LeftMargin ' Page Header
RptHeaderPrint = False
End If
TextLine = "This is line " & Line
' To indent or set a new left margin, reset CurrentX before each
' new line.
' To use a new right margin, wrap lines at appropriate points.
If Line >= 10 And Line <= 14 Then
TextLine = TextLine & " indented."
Printer.CurrentX = 2 * 1440 ' indent 2 additional inches
ElseIf Line >= 48 And Line <= 52 Then
TextLine = GetLargeString() ' Need String long for demo
End If
' Use TotalPrtAreaHorz to use the default right margin
' or use your own value for PrintLength for a custom right margin
' in this example we bring in the right margin by 1 inch
If Printer.TextWidth(TextLine) > PrintLength Then ' Wrap text
' This estimating technique is used for simplicity
' First, approximate character length
CharLength = Printer.TextWidth("aeiou.") / 6
' Where to start looking for a line break (wrap)
EstWrapPoint = PrintLength / CharLength
WrapPoint = EstWrapPoint
Line = Line - 1 ' Since current line has already been counted
Do While Len(TextLine) > EstWrapPoint
TextLine = Trim(TextLine) ' remove spaces from either end
' break on a space near the estimated break point
Do While InStr(WrapPoint, TextLine, " ") <> WrapPoint
WrapPoint = WrapPoint - 1
TempString = Mid(TextLine, 1, WrapPoint) ' what will fit
Printer.Print Trim(TempString) ' print what will fit
TextLine = Mid(TextLine, WrapPoint + 1) ' get remaining text
WrapPoint = EstWrapPoint ' Reset the estimated wrap point
Line = Line + 1 ' Increment line counter
If Printer.CurrentY >= BreakPoint Then ' another line?
PrintFooter LastLine, LineHeight, LeftMargin
If Len(TextLine) > 0 Then ' Print header if text remains
PrintHeader False, HorzMargins, LeftMargin
End If
End If
If Len(TextLine) > 0 Then ' leftover text?
Printer.Print TextLine
Line = Line + 1 ' Increment line counter
If Printer.CurrentY >= BreakPoint Then ' another line?
PrintFooter LastLine, LineHeight, LeftMargin
RptHeaderPrint = True ' Print Header if more lines
End If
End If
Printer.Print TextLine
If Printer.CurrentY >= BreakPoint Then
PrintFooter LastLine, LineHeight, LeftMargin
RptHeaderPrint = True ' Print Header if more lines
End If
End If
Next Line
If Printer.CurrentY > 0 Then
PrintFooter LastLine, LineHeight, LeftMargin ' For last page
End If
Printer.EndDoc ' Finish
MsgBox "Check Printer for results.", , "Done!"
End Sub
- Run the project.
- Click Command1. You will see a message box listing the margins and printable area of the page.
- Click Command2. Several pages are printed. The printing includes:
Report Header - Only printed at the top of page 1.
Page Header - Consists of some text printed in italics and the current date right-justified on the page. Printed on all pages.
Page Footer - Consists of some text and a page number printed on multiple lines. Printed on all pages.
Additionally, lines numbered 10 through 14 are indented an additional 2 inches and lines numbered 48 through 56 demonstrate enforcing a custom right margin.
For additional information about using the TextWidth method with large strings, click the article number below
to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
298825 PRB: Run-time Error '6' When You Use the TextWidth Method
(c) Microsoft Corporation 1998, All Rights Reserved. Contributions by Chris E. Jolley, Microsoft Corporation.
Modification Type: | Minor | Last Reviewed: | 3/7/2005 |
Keywords: | kbAPI kbhowto kbprint KB193943 |