When you use Outlook Web Access (OWA) to access folders on Microsoft
Exchange Server, an access violation may occur. The access violation may
result in a Dr. Watson error, with the following information in the
Drwtsn32.log file:
Application exception occurred:
App: exe\inetinfo.dbg (pid=145)
When: 7/10/1998 @ 13:56:52.70
Exception number: c0000005 (access violation)
Below is the thread that caused the fault. Please note that the thread
information below was seen on an Alpha platform; however, the problem
exists in both the x86 and Alpha builds of OWA.
function: CContainerRenderer::put_DataSource
023de280: 214a001f lda s1,1f(s1)
023de284: b07e0050 stl t2,50(sp)
023de288: b15e004c stl s1,4c(sp)
023de28c: a2090038 ldl a0,38(s0)
023de290: a0b00000 ldl t4,0(a0)
023de294: a0050014 ldl v0,14(t4)
023de298: 6b404000 jsr ra,(v0),0 8004010c
023de29c: a03e0058 ldl t0,58(sp)
023de2a0: 47e0040b bis zero,v0,s2
023de2a4: 263f0243 ldah a1,243(zero)
FAULT ->023de2a8: a0610000 ldl t2,0(t0)
023de2ac: 223176b0 lda a1,76b0(a1)
023de2b0: 406a05a3 cmpeq t2,s1,t2
023de2b4: e460000f beq t2,023de2f4
023de2b8: a2010008 ldl a0,8(t0)
023de2bc: d3415744 bsr ra,02433fd0 wcsicmp
023de2c0: f4000003 bne v0,023de2d0
023de2c4: 47e05401 bis zero,#2,t0
023de2c8: b0290060 stl t0,60(s0)
023de2cc: c3e0000a br zero,023de2f8
023de2d0: a07e0058 ldl t2,58(sp)
023de2d4: 263f0243 ldah a1,243(zero)
*----> Stack Back Trace <----*
FramePtr ReturnAd Param#1 Param#2 Param#3 Param#4 Function Name
042bf290 651cbcfc 045d3080 02430000 0532d518 2b2326b0
cdohtml!CContainerRenderer::put_DataSource [omap]
042bf340 6523a184 0065726f 00000009 072750a0 00000000
042bf3c0 fffffffc 042bf578 00000009 00000009 00000004
042bf3c0 00000000 042bf578 00000009 00000009 00000004 <nosymbols>
To resolve this problem, obtain the latest service pack for Exchange Server
version 5.5. For more information, please see the following article in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base:
XGEN: How to Obtain the Latest Exchange Server 5.5 Service Pack
The English version of this fix should have the following file attributes
or later:
Component: Outlook Web Access
File Name Version
Cdohtml.dll 5.5.2387.0