XFOR: Linkage SNADS Connector Does Not Handle NDR Properly (192747)

The information in this article applies to:

  • LinkAge Message Exchange 3.2

This article was previously published under Q192747


When an NDR message is received by the Exchange Server computer through the Linkage SNADS Connector, an entry similar to the following is logged in the Exchange Connectivity Manager's log browser:
   LME-SNADS-IN(014e) 4 22464:- Recipient: FPTEST(ATTPING), Status1: 0
   '{SNA:0(No error)}' Status2: 201'{DIA:201(system error occurred)}'
The Exchange Server recipient receives the following message in their inbox:
   The message was undeliverable because the recipient specified in the
   recipient postal address refused to accept the message.


A supported fix that corrects this problem is now available from Microsoft, but has not been fully regression-tested and should be applied only to systems experiencing this specific problem. If you are not severely affected by this specific problem, Microsoft recommends that you wait for the next service pack that contains this fix.

To resolve this problem immediately, contact Microsoft Product Support Services to obtain the fix. For a complete list of Microsoft Product Support Services phone numbers and information on support costs, please go to the following address on the World Wide Web: The English version of this fix should have the following file attributes or later:
   Component: Linkage SNADS Connector

   File Name      Date      Time     Size
   Lsdiamex.exe   8/19/98   10:31a   74,220 bytes
   Mexdia.msg     8/19/98   10:22a    2,158 bytes
This is a hotfix and distribution requires manager approval. To receive the hotfix, customers must be encountering the bug as described above. You must track the customers you send this to and supply them with the next service pack when it becomes available.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Linkage Message Exchange version 3.2.


If you enable the debug option by doing following:

add DEBUG=A30 in the [LME-SNADS-IN] and [LME-SNADS-OUT] sections of the Linkage.ini and use Decsnd.exe to parse the *.snr files in the \\Linkage\Traces directory

you will get information similar to the following:
   Prefix              >
   Dist_Command        >
   Dist_ID             >
   Origin_REN          : "HOUSSW3"
   Origin_DGN          : ""
   Origin_DEN          : "        "
   Origin_Seqno        : "0000"
   Origin_DTM          : 1998/7/31 16:31:3:1
   Dist_Gen_Options    >
   Dist_Flags          : REPORT: Do not generate a report.
   Hop_Count           : I(255)
   Service_Parms       : Priority   (RLG) DATALO
                      Protection (RLG) LEVEL 2 (SAFE STORE REQUIRED)
                      Capacity   (RLG) INDEFINITE
   Server_Object_Ind   : (No Server Object)
   Origin_Agent        : 20F0F0F0: DIA Process Destination TP
   Begin_Dest_Operands > C3 52 01                            |CR |
   Dest_RGN            > ""
   Begin_REN_List      > C3 53 01                            |CS |
   Dest_REN            > "BENGAL"
   Begin_DGN_List      > C3 54 01                            |CT |
   Dest_DGN            > "BURMESE"
   Begin_DEN_List      > C3 55 01                            |CU |
   Dest_DEN            > "LPLESS3"
   End_DEN_List        >
   End_DGN_List        >
   End_REN_List        >
   End_Dest_Operands   >
   Report_Correlation  >
   Report-On_Origin_DGN: "BURMESE"
   Report-On_Origin_DEN: "LPLESS3"
   Report-On_Seqno     : "0010"
   Report-On_DTM       : 1998/7/31 15:0:8:18
   Report-On_Agent_Corr: E2 A3 85 A2 A3 40 A3 96 40 81 A3 A3 |Stest to att|
                         97 89 95 87                         |ping|
   Begin_Reprt_DGN_List> C3 54 01                            |CT |
   Reported-On_Dest_DGN> "FPTEST"
   Begin_Reprt_DEN_List> C3 55 01                            |CU |
   Reported-On_Dest_DEN> "ATTPING"
   Spec_SNADS/DIA_Type > DIA Report
   SNADS/DIA Code      : System Error / Routing Error <<<<< Return code
   End_Report_DEN_List >
   End_Report_DGN_List >
   DS_Suffix           >

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:3/7/2005
Keywords:kbbug kbfix kbQFE KB192747