When you attempt to use the Open FrontPage Web command in
FrontPage Explorer that is hosted by an Internet Information
Server (IIS) 4.0 Web server, the following error message
Error 270 (0x0000010e)
The Open FrontPage Web command is then terminated.
A supported fix that corrects this problem is now available
from Microsoft, but has not been fully regression tested and
should be applied only to systems experiencing this specific
problem. If you are not severely affected by this specific
problem, Microsoft recommends that you wait for the next
Windows NT service pack that contains this fix.
To resolve this problem immediately, contact Microsoft
Product Support Services to obtain the fix. For a complete
list of Microsoft Product Support Services phone numbers and
information on support costs, please go to the following
address on the World Wide Web:;EN-US;CNTACTMS
The English version of this fix should have the following
file attributes or later:
Date Time Size File name Platform
02/25/98 06:27p 79,808 Ftpsvc2.dll (Intel)
02/25/98 06:25p 182,592 Infocomm.dll
02/25/98 06:26p 226,480 W3svc.dll
02/10/98 09:35a 147,728 Asycfilt.dll
02/26/98 01:53p 141,072 Dcomcnfg.exe
02/19/98 03:21p 697,104 Ole32.dll
02/10/98 09:35a 606,480 Oleaut32.dll
02/10/98 09:35a 164,112 Olepro32.dll
02/26/98 02:24p 45,840 Rpcltccm.dll
02/26/98 02:24p 37,136 Rpcltscm.dll
02/10/98 02:09p 14,096 Rpcmqcl.dll
02/10/98 02:09p 13,072 Rpcmqsvr.dll
02/26/98 02:01p 16,144 Rpcproxy.dll
02/26/98 02:24p 327,952 Rpcrt4.dll
02/27/98 11:52a 102,160 Rpcss.exe
02/09/98 03:56p 17,920 Stdole2.tlb
02/25/98 06:32p 123,664 Ftpsvc2.dll (Alpha)
02/25/98 06:31p 300,304 Infocomm.dll
02/25/98 06:31p 379,152 W3svc.dll
02/10/98 09:38a 246,032 Asycfilt.dll
02/26/98 12:03p 212,752 Dcomcnfg.exe
02/26/98 01:34p 1,246,480 Ole32.dll
02/10/98 09:38a 1,224,976 Oleaut32.dll
02/10/98 09:38a 258,320 Olepro32.dll
02/26/98 01:34p 95,504 Rpcltccm.dll
02/26/98 01:34p 59,664 Rpcltscm.dll
02/10/98 02:05p 22,288 Rpcmqcl.dll
02/10/98 02:05p 21,264 Rpcmqsvr.dll
02/26/98 01:22p 27,408 Rpcproxy.dll
02/26/98 01:34p 578,320 Rpcrt4.dll
02/27/98 11:48a 181,008 Rpcss.exe
02/09/98 04:18p 17,920 Stdole2.tlb
To work around this problem, install the components in the
following order:
- Visual Source Safe 5.0
- FrontPage 98 Server Extensions
- Service Pack 3 for Visual Studio
For more information on this error message, please refer to
the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
180710 IIS: Browser Returns
270 Error