A VBCE program is handled differently by the integrated development environment (IDE) than a regular Visual Basic application. VBCE programs are completely compiled into .pvb files before they are handed off to pvb.exe, which actually runs the code in the program. VBCE programs run completely outside of the Visual Basic IDE, so there is no compile on demand as in regular Visual Basic. Only very basic syntax checking is done by the add-in (CEIDE.DLL) when the program is compiled; therefore, some errors will not be caught until run-time.
VBCE comes with a separate Debugger utility (VBDBG.EXE) for debugging
Windows CE applications. The Debugger runs as a separate program outside of
the Visual Basic IDE, therefore some of the debugging options available in
the Visual Basic IDE are not supported by the toolkit.
The Debugger includes several useful windows: A Watch Window displays the
values of variables or expressions during execution. An Immediate Window
allows small code statements to run. A Call Stack shows procedures in
execution. An Object window shows the hierarchy of running objects. Objects
can be opened to view their code, add breakpoints, etc. Applications are
compiled before reaching the debugger, so application code cannot be edited
in the debugger's Immediate Window. Because all errors, other than syntax
errors, are caught at run-time, applications must be running in either the
emulated or remote Windows CE environment before you can begin the
debugging process. Though most debugging is done while in emulation mode,
you should also debug your application on the remote device in order to
ensure your application is error-free.
Breakpoints entered in the Visual Basic IDE will not be recognized in the
Debugger, but breakpoints can be added in the Debugger's code window for
the object.
Error Trapping
The "On Error Resume Next" statement is useful when performing inline error
handling. This statement is the only error handling statement the toolkit
currently supports. On Error Resume Next does not clear the Err object, so
you can use inline error handling to display a meaningful error messages
rather than displaying the generic "Application Error" message.
Although VBCE programs keep running after generating an application error,
execution of the current procedure halts unless an On Error Resume Next
statement is in the procedure and before where the error occurred.
The Debug object is not supported in VBCE. Alternative strategies could be
using the File control to log information about program execution or using
MsgBoxes and controls to display program status.
The "On Error GoTo 0" line is included in VBCE to disable inline error handling. If you use this line in code, subsequent errors may cause executing code to stop, although the rest of the application will continue.
Err Object
Run-time errors produce a generic Application Error dialog box with the
An error was encountered while running this program.
There is no other information about what may have caused the error, and no
Help button to retrieve information from the online Help files. When an
application error occurs, the Err object is loaded with the error number
and a description of the error.
You can check the Err object in your code in various ways, including
displaying the error information in a MsgBox, such as:
MsgBox Err.Number vbCrLf Err.Description
If the error is coming from a control, the Err.Source property can be
checked. Usually, the Err object supplies enough information to determine
what caused the error. Tracing through a program with the debugger can
reveal more information. After code is modified, recompile the .pvb to test
your changes. If a program is still running on the device or emulator, it
must be closed before trying to run it again from the IDE.