FIX: IDocHostUIHandler Not Queried for CLSID_WebBrowser_V1 (192501)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer (Programming) 4.0
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer (Programming) 4.01
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer (Programming) 4.01 SP1
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer (Programming) 5

This article was previously published under Q192501


When hosting the Internet Explorer WebBrowser control, the host application can control the user interface by implementing the IDocHostUIHandler interface. This interface is obtained by Internet Explorer from the host's client site and allows the host to replace menus, toolbars and context menus.

If the WebBrowser control is instantiated using the CLSID_WebBrowser_V1 class identifier, the host is not queried for the IDocHostUIHandler interface.


If possible, create the WebBrowser control using the CLSID_WebBrowser class identifier. The Internet Explorer 3.0x automation and event interfaces are available from this object, but are not marked as default.


Microsoft has confirmed that this is a bug in the Microsoft products that are listed at the beginning of this article. This bug was corrected in Internet Explorer 5.


CLSID_WebBrowser and CLSID_WebBrowser_V1 Differences

The WebBrowser control can be created using either the CLSID_WebBrowser or CLSID_WebBrowser_V1 class identifier and supports both the Internet Explorer 3.0x and 4.0x interfaces. The latter provides a mode compatible with Internet Explorer 3.0x by exposing those interfaces as default:
   Class ID             Default Interface  Default Event Interface
   -----------------    -----------------  -----------------------
   CLSID_WebBrowser     IWebBrowser2       DWebBrowserEvents2
   CLSID_WebBrowser_V1  IWebBrowser        DWebBrowserEvents

Replacing the Context Menu

If you are implementing the IDocHostUIHandler interface to replace the Internet Explorer context menu, and the host application is using the Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC), you can override the default CWinApp implementation of PreTranslateMessage as follows.

Use this code in your CWinApp-derived class:
   BOOL CMyApp::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg)

      if ( WM_RBUTTONDOWN   == pMsg->message
        || WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK == pMsg->message )
         // Received right-click (dbl)
         CWnd* pFrame = AfxGetMainWnd();

         CMyView* pView =

         if ( pView->IsWebBrowser( pMsg->hwnd ) )
            // The WebBrowser control was clicked
            return TRUE;
      return CWinApp::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg);

Use this code in the MFC view class that hosts the WebBrowser control:
   void CMyView::DoContextMenu()
      CMenu  Menu;
      CMenu* pPopup = NULL;
      POINT  pt;

      DWORD pos = GetMessagePos();
      pt.x = LOWORD(pos);
      pt.y = HIWORD(pos);

      Menu.LoadMenu( IDR_MAINFRAME );   // Your menu here.
      pPopup = Menu.GetSubMenu( 0 );
      if ( pPopup )
         pPopup->TrackPopupMenu( TPM_LEFTALIGN|TPM_RIGHTBUTTON,
                                 pt.x, pt.y, this );


   static TCHAR gszIEClass[] = "Internet Explorer_Server";

   // Checks if message window is WebBrowser control.
   // Also works with nested frames.
   BOOL CMyView::IsWebBrowser(HWND hWnd)
      HWND hWndWBOC = (HWND)m_Browser.GetSafeHwnd();
      HWND hWndParent;

      hWndParent = GetParentWBOC( hWnd );

      while ( hWndParent != hWndWBOC
           && hWndParent != NULL )
         hWndParent = GetParentWBOC( ::GetParent( hWndParent ) );

      return (hWndParent != NULL);


   HWND CMyView::GetParentWBOC(HWND hWnd)

      TCHAR   szClass[sizeof(gszIEClass)+1];
      HWND   hWndParent;

      ::GetClassName( hWnd, szClass, sizeof(szClass) );

      if ( 0 == _tcscmp( szClass, gszIEClass ) )
         // InternetExplorer_Server
         hWndParent = ::GetParent( hWnd );   // Shell DocObject View
         return ::GetParent( hWndParent );   // Shell Embedding
         return NULL;



For more information about developing Web-based solutions for Microsoft Internet Explorer, visit the following Microsoft Web sites: (c) Microsoft Corporation 1998, All Rights Reserved. Contributions by Mark Davis, Microsoft Corporation.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:5/11/2006
Keywords:kbBug kbcode kbfix kbie500dp1fix kbie500fix kbWebBrowser KB192501