BUG: UserControl SHIFT+TAB Does Not Follow Tab Sequence (192208)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Visual Basic Learning Edition for Windows 6.0
  • Microsoft Visual Basic Professional Edition for Windows 6.0
  • Microsoft Visual Basic Enterprise Edition for Windows 6.0

This article was previously published under Q192208


When tabbing through constituent controls contained on a UserControl in reverse order (SHIFT+TAB), only the first constituent control is part of the reverse tab sequence. All controls should be part of the reverse tab sequence unless the TabStop property is set to False. Tabbing forward through the controls works as expected.


Microsoft has confirmed that this is a bug in the Microsoft products that are listed at the beginning of this article.


Steps to Reproduce Behavior

  1. Start a new Standard EXE project in Visual Basic. Form1 is created by default.
  2. From the File menu, add an ActiveX Control project. UserControl1 is created by default.
  3. Add three TextBox controls to UserControl1.
  4. Close the UserControl1 window and add an instance of UserControl1 to Form1.
  5. Add a Command button to Form1.
  6. Save and run the Project.
  7. First, tab through all the controls using the TAB key. Now tab backwards through the controls using the SHIFT+TAB key combination. Observe that the only constituent control that receives focus is the first TextBox.

    Bug: Only the first control on the UserControl is included in the reverse tabbing sequence.
  8. Return to design mode. On the Project menu, choose Add Class Module to add a new class module. Change the class name to be clsTabManager and add the following code to this module:
    Option Explicit
    ' This class was created to work around a bug in UserControls.  The bug is
    ' documented in Microsoft KB article
    ' Q192208: BUG: UserControl SHIFT+TAB Does Not Follow Tab Sequence
    ' To use this class, you need to have the following code in your user control
    ' Private m_TabManager As clsTabManager
    ' Private Sub UserControl_EnterFocus()
    '    m_TabManager.ProcessEnterFocus
    ' End Sub
    ' Private Sub UserControl_ExitFocus()
    '    m_TabManager.ProcessExitFocus
    ' End Sub
    ' Private Sub UserControl_Terminate()
    '    Set m_TabManager = Nothing
    ' End Sub
    ' Private Sub UserControl_Initialize()
    '    If m_TabManager Is Nothing Then
    '       Set m_TabManager = New clsTabManager
    '       m_TabManager.ClassConstruct UserControl.Controls
    '    End If
    ' End Sub
    Private Declare Function SetFocusAPI Lib "user32" Alias "SetFocus" _
        (ByVal hWnd As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function GetKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal nVirtKey As Long) _
        As Integer
    Private Declare Function GetForegroundWindow Lib "user32" () As Long
    ' All the controls that can get focus are stored in this array in tab order.
    Private m_WindowArray() As Control
    ' Number of controls
    Private m_NumberOfWindows As Integer
    ' Store the last foreground window to work around the bug documented in
    ' Microsoft KB article Q253782.
    Private m_hWndLastForeGround As Long
    ' Determine if ClassConstruct was called.
    Dim m_ClassIsConstructed As Boolean
    ' Description: Construct the array of tabbable controls.
    ' Parameters : CtlCollection - controls collection from the user control.
    ' Return Val : True if the class is ready to be used
    ' Notes      : This function needs to be called before you use the class and
    '               whenever the Tab order of the controls is changed.
    Public Function ClassConstruct(ByRef CtlCollection As Object) As Boolean
       If Not (CtlCollection Is Nothing) Then
          SetupWindowArray CtlCollection
          m_ClassIsConstructed = True
          ClassConstruct = True
          m_hWndLastForeGround = GetForegroundWindow
          m_ClassIsConstructed = False
          ClassConstruct = False
       End If
    End Function
    ' Description: Set focus to the last control in the tab order and should be
    '               called from the EnterFocus event of the UserControl.
    ' Parameters : None.
    ' Return Val : True if the focus was changed, false if it wasn't.
    Public Function ProcessEnterFocus() As Boolean
       Dim LastCtl As Control
       ProcessEnterFocus = False
       If IsUserShiftTabbing() Then
          Set LastCtl = GetLastFocusableTabStop()
          If (Not (LastCtl Is Nothing)) And _
                m_hWndLastForeGround = GetForegroundWindow Then
             SetFocusAPI LastCtl.hWnd
             ProcessEnterFocus = True
             m_hWndLastForeGround = GetForegroundWindow
          End If
       End If
    End Function
    ' Description: Record the current foreground window and should be
    '               called from the ExitFocus event of the UserControl.
    ' Parameters : None.
    ' Return Val : True.
    Public Function ProcessExitFocus() As Boolean
       m_hWndLastForeGround = GetForegroundWindow
       ProcessExitFocus = True
    End Function
    ' Description: Return the the last control that can get focus.
    ' Parameters : None.
    ' Return Val : The last control that can get focus.  If there is none, Nothing
    '               will be returned.
    Public Function GetLastFocusableTabStop() As Control
       Dim i As Integer
       Set GetLastFocusableTabStop = Nothing
       For i = m_NumberOfWindows - 1 To 0 Step -1
          If CanWindowGetFocus(m_WindowArray(i)) Then
             Set GetLastFocusableTabStop = m_WindowArray(i)
             Exit For
          End If
       Next i
    End Function
    ' Description: Determine if the given control can get focus or not.  This will
    '               take into account the Tabstop, Visible and enabled property
    '               and only return True if all are set to True.
    ' Parameters : Ctl - The control to check if allowed to get focus.
    ' Return Val : True if the given window can get focus, False if it cannot
    Private Function CanWindowGetFocus(Ctl As Control)
       On Error GoTo PropertiesNotSupported
       If Ctl.TabStop And Ctl.Visible And Ctl.Enabled Then
          CanWindowGetFocus = True
          CanWindowGetFocus = False
       End If
       Exit Function
       ' If no Tabstop, visible or enabled properties, it can't get focus
       CanWindowGetFocus = False
    End Function
    ' Description: Walk the controls collection of the given container and fill
    '               the array of windows that are tabable controls.  We have to
    '               use an On Error trap since we need to check things via the
    '               Hwnd and not all controls in the controls collection will
    '               have an hWnd.  All items that have an hWnd will be in this
    '               array when we are done.
    ' Parameters : CtlCollection - Controls collection from the user control.
    ' Return Val : None.
    Private Sub SetupWindowArray(ByRef CtlCollection As Object)
       Dim Ctl As Control
       Dim CtlHwnd As Long
       Dim i As Integer
       Dim NbrValidWindows As Long
       Dim NbrCtls As Long
       Dim TmpArray() As Control
       NbrCtls = CtlCollection.Count
       ReDim TmpArray(NbrCtls) As Control
       NbrValidWindows = 0
       m_NumberOfWindows = 0
       On Error GoTo NoHwnd
       For Each Ctl In CtlCollection
          ' This may trigger an Error, but the error trap should
          ' catch it and return control to next statement.
          CtlHwnd = Ctl.hWnd
          If CtlHwnd <> 0 Then
             ' Order the controls by tabindex.  VB Makes sure that Tab
             ' Indexes always start at 0 and go up consecutively by 1
             Set TmpArray(Ctl.TabIndex) = Ctl
             NbrValidWindows = NbrValidWindows + 1
             Set TmpArray(Ctl.TabIndex) = Nothing
          End If
       Next Ctl
       ' Now copy the array to the windows array.
       ReDim m_WindowArray(NbrValidWindows) As Control
       For i = 0 To NbrCtls - 1
          If Not (TmpArray(i) Is Nothing) Then
             Set m_WindowArray(m_NumberOfWindows) = TmpArray(i)
             m_NumberOfWindows = m_NumberOfWindows + 1
          End If
       Next i
       Exit Sub
       CtlHwnd = 0
       Resume Next
    End Sub
    ' Description: Check to see if user is shift-tabbing
    ' Parameters : None.
    ' Return Val : True if the user is shift-tabbing, False if not
    Private Function IsUserShiftTabbing() As Boolean
       IsUserShiftTabbing = False
       If GetKeyState(vbKeyTab) < 0 And GetKeyState(vbKeyShift) < 0 Then
          IsUserShiftTabbing = True
       End If
    End Function
    ' Description: Reset all of the data for this class.
    ' Parameters : None.
    ' Return Val : None.
    Private Sub Reset()
       m_ClassIsConstructed = False
       m_NumberOfWindows = 0
       Erase m_WindowArray
    End Sub
    Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    End Sub
    Private Sub Class_Terminate()
    End Sub
  9. Add the following code to UserControl1:
    Option Explicit
    Private m_TabManager As clsTabManager
    Private Sub UserControl_EnterFocus()
    End Sub
    Private Sub UserControl_ExitFocus()
    End Sub
    Private Sub UserControl_Terminate()
       Set m_TabManager = Nothing
    End Sub
    Private Sub UserControl_Initialize()
       If m_TabManager Is Nothing Then
          Set m_TabManager = New clsTabManager
          m_TabManager.ClassConstruct UserControl.Controls
       End If
    End Sub
  10. Save and run the project again. This time the SHIFT+TAB sequence loops through all the controls in the UserControl.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:5/13/2003
Keywords:kbBug kbCtrlCreate kbpending KB192208