The following is a list of the games that ActiMates Interactive Arthur
and D.W. can play.
Count Down and Say Something Silly!
Arthur or D.W. thinks of a silly phrase, then counts backward from ten to
one before saying the phrase. To choose a different silly phrase, sqeeeze
the character's ear.
You can also play a similar version of this game in which you can
change the length of the countdown. For more information about how to do
this, see page 4 of the ActiMates Interactive Arthur and D.W. "Getting
Started" manual.
Guess the Holiday
Arthur or D.W. says a date and asks you to guess what holiday falls on that
date. Squeeze the character's hand to repeat the holiday fact. Squeeze the
character's ear to play the game again with a different holiday.
How Long Is That?
Arthur or D.W. picks a length of time (5, 10, 15, or 20 seconds). When you
think that the correct amount of time has passed, squeeze the character's
hand. To play the game again with a different time, squeeze the character's
The Memory Game
Arthur or D.W. says a sequence of body parts and then asks you to repeat
the sequence by squeezing those parts on the character. For example: ear,
toe, hand, toe, ear. When you give the correct answer, the character adds
one more step to the sequence, up to a maximum of 12 items.
Rhyme Time
Arthur or D.W. says two words and asks you if the words rhyme. If they do,
squeeze the character's hand. If they do not, squeeze the character's foot.
Say the Alphabet
Arthur or D.W. starts with the letter "A," and goes all the way to "Z."
Each time you squeeze their hand, Arthur or D.W. says the next letter in
the alphabet and a word that starts with that letter.
Say the Alphabet Backward
Arthur or D.W. starts with the letter "Z" and goes backward to "A." Each
time you squeeze their hand, Arthur or D.W. says the previous letter in
the alphabet See if you can guess which letter comes next!
Silly Sentences
Arthur or D.W. picks some funny words and puts them together to make
a silly sentence. Squeeze the character's hand to repeat the sentence.
Squeeze the character's ear to make a new silly sentence.
The Stopwatch Game
Get ready... go! Arthur or D.W. picks an activity and begins the timer to
see how long you can keep going. For example: How long can you run in
place? To stop the clock, squeeze the character's hand. To choose something
else to time, squeeze the character's ear.
Tongue Twisters
Arthur or D.W. says a tongue twister and asks you to repeat it. Squeeze the
character's hand to repeat the phrase. Squeeze the character's ear to play
again with a new tongue twister.
For information about playing with ActiMates Arthur and D.W., please see
the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
192086 ActiMates: How to Play with Arthur and D.W.