PRJ98: Can Save Changes in Projects Opened Read-Only from Pool (191993)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Project 98 for Windows

This article was previously published under Q191993


In Microsoft Project 98, when you open one or more projects read-only from within a resource pool, you may be able to save changes to the projects.


This problem occurs when you do the following:

  1. Open a resource pool read-only.
  2. In the Share Resources dialog box, you select the Read Only check box, and then click Open All, to open projects sharing resources from the pool.
NOTE: The Sharing Resources dialog box has an Open button and an Open All button. The Open button opens each project selected in the Sharing Links box as a single file; therefore, if you also select the Read Only check box, the projects are opened read-only as expected. The Open All button, however, acts differently. The Open All button creates a new consolidated project with each of the projects listed in the Sharing Links box inserted into the consolidated project. The consolidated project is read/write and allows you to make changes to the data in the inserted projects. In this situation, the source of each of the inserted project is not opened read-only.


To work around this behavior, follow these steps:

  1. In the resource pool project, on the Tools menu, point to Resources, and then click Share Resources.
  2. In the Share Resources dialog box, click to select the Open Files Read Only check box.
  3. In the Sharing Links list, click to select the first project you want to open.
  4. Hold down CTRL and click to select the other projects that you want to open.
  5. Click Open, instead of Open All.


Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed at the beginning of this article.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:10/17/2002
Keywords:kbbug KB191993