If you apply a service pack on SQL Server 6.5 where QUOTED_IDENTIFIER is
turned on system-wide in the server configuration setting "user options",
the service pack installation scripts will fail and you will see the
following message:
Setup initialization could not be successfully completed.
ISQL.EXE could not be executed. Please check the relevant .OUT file
The Sqlole65.out file in the MSSQL\Install directory will show the
following message:
Msg 103, Level 15, State 2, Server SERVERNAME, Procedure sp_MStablekeys
The identifier that starts with 'Asser' is too long. Maximum length is 30.
Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Server SERVERNAME, Procedure sp_MStablekeys
Line 122: Incorrect syntax near 'Assert failed: @indid is null in
sp_MStablekeys (pk/uq)'.
The server will be running, but you will not be able to establish a
connection to it in SQL Enterprise Manager. If you attempt to connect to
the server, you will get the following message:
A connection could not be established to SERVERNAME. This server has not
installed version 6.5 or later of the Microsoft SQL-DMO (SQLOLE) stored
procedures for its SQL Server version. The connection is denied.