How To Use the Shared Property Manager in MTS Through VB Code (191235)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Visual Basic Learning Edition for Windows 5.0
  • Microsoft Visual Basic Learning Edition for Windows 6.0
  • Microsoft Visual Basic Professional Edition for Windows 5.0
  • Microsoft Visual Basic Professional Edition for Windows 6.0
  • Microsoft Visual Basic Enterprise Edition for Windows 5.0
  • Microsoft Visual Basic Enterprise Edition for Windows 6.0

This article was previously published under Q191235


When writing components that run under the control of Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS), the Shared Property Manager (SPM) gives components a way to store and share "stateful" information. For objects to share state, they all must be running in the same server process with the Shared Property Manager.

This article demonstrates how to use Visual Basic code to set and retrieve a property in the Shared Property Manager. This article assumes that you are already familiar with MTS and writing ActiveX dlls that run under the control of MTS.

For more information on writing applications in Visual Basic that use MTS, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

186342 : How To Create a Simple 3-Tier App Using VB, MTS, and SQL Server


The are three basic steps in this article:
  1. Create the Visual Basic ActiveX DLL which will contain the methods that set and retrieve the SPM property.
  2. Create a simple client that will access this component.
  3. Install the component into MTS.
NOTE: This article assumes that the development of the component and client mentioned above will be done on the same machine as MTS.

Step 1: Create the ActiveX DLL

  1. Create a new Visual Basic ActiveX DLL project.
  2. From the Project menu, choose Project Properties. On the General tab, change the project name to "SPMSample," check the Unattended Execution box, and make sure the threading model is set to Apartment Threading.
  3. From the Project menu, choose References. Add a reference to Microsoft Transaction Server Type Library and Shared Property Manager Type Library.
  4. Add the following code to the default class:
          Option Explicit
          Public Function GetSPM(ByVal szGroup As String, _
                                  ByVal szProperty As String) _
                                  As String
              On Error GoTo ErrHandler
              Dim ctxObject As ObjectContext
              Dim spmMgr As SharedPropertyGroupManager
              Dim spmGroup As SharedPropertyGroup
              Dim spmProp As SharedProperty
              Dim bGroupExists As Boolean
              Dim bPropExists As Boolean
              Set ctxObject = GetObjectContext()
              Set spmMgr = CreateObject _
              'LockSetGet (0)  = Locks the particular property
              '                   while it is being set
              'LockMethod (1) = Locks all of the properties
              '                   in the property group
              '                   until the method is complete
              'Standard (0) = Destroys property when all
              '               clients have released there reference
              'Process (1) = The property group is not destroyed
              '               until the process in which it lives
              '               is terminated.
              'NOTE: If debugging these from within the VB 5.0 IDE
              'then you will need to use LockSetGet.  LockMethod
              'requires that the object have an ObjectContext
              'Set spmGroup = spmMgr.CreatePropertyGroup _
                  (Trim(szGroup), LockSetGet, Process, bGroupExists)
              Set spmGroup = spmMgr.CreatePropertyGroup _
                  (Trim(szGroup), LockMethod, Process, bGroupExists)
              Set spmProp = spmGroup.CreateProperty _
                  (Trim(szProperty), bPropExists)
              If bPropExists = False Then
                  GetSPM = "Property Does Not Exist"
                  GetSPM = spmProp.Value
              End If
              Exit Function
              If Not ctxObject Is Nothing Then
              End If
              GetSPM = "Error Occurred"
              Err.Raise Err.Number, "", Err.Description, ""
              Exit Function
          End Function
          Public Sub SetSPM(ByVal szGroup As String, _
                              ByVal szProperty As String, _
                              ByVal szValue As String)
              On Error GoTo ErrHandler
              Dim ctxObject As ObjectContext
              Dim spmMgr As SharedPropertyGroupManager
              Dim spmGroup As SharedPropertyGroup
              Dim spmProp As SharedProperty
              Dim groupExists As Boolean
              Dim propExists As Boolean
              Set ctxObject = GetObjectContext()
              'Create an instance of the SPM.  Retrieve the
              'group and property and then set the value
              Set spmMgr = CreateObject _
              Set spmGroup = spmMgr.CreatePropertyGroup _
                  (Trim(szGroup), LockSetGet, Process, groupExists)
              'Set spmGroup = spmMgr.CreatePropertyGroup _
                  (Trim(szGroup), LockMethod, Process, groupExists)
              Set spmProp = spmGroup.CreateProperty _
                      (Trim(szProperty), propExists)
              spmProp.Value = szValue
              Exit Sub
              If Not ctxObject Is Nothing Then
              End If
              Err.Raise Err.Number, "", Err.Description, ""
              Exit Sub
          End Sub

Step 2: Create the Client Application

  1. Create a new Visual Basic Standard EXE file. Form1 is created by default.
  2. On the default form, add one Label, one Text Box, and two CommandButtons.
  3. Add the following code to the default form:
          Private Sub Command1_Click()
              Dim obj As Object
              Dim szGroup As String
              Dim szProperty As String
              Dim szValue As String
              szValue = Trim(Text1.Text)
              szGroup = "TestGroup"
              szProperty = "TestProperty"
              Set obj = CreateObject("SPMSample.Class1")
              obj.SetSPM szGroup, szProperty, szValue
              Set obj = Nothing
          End Sub
          Private Sub Command2_Click()
              Dim obj As Object
              Dim szGroup As String
              Dim szProperty As String
              Dim szValue As String
              szValue = Trim(Text1.Text)
              szGroup = "TestGroup"
              szProperty = "TestProperty"
              Set obj = CreateObject("SPMSample.Class1")
              Label1.Caption = obj.GetSPM(szGroup, szProperty)
              Set obj = Nothing
          End Sub
          Private Sub Form_Load()
              Command1.Caption = "Set SPM Value"
              Command2.Caption = "Retrieve SPM Value"
          End Sub

Step 3: Install the Component into MTS

  1. Start the Microsoft Management Console (MMC), Transaction Server Explorer.
  2. Using the Tree View in the left-hand pane, expand "Computers," then "My Computer," and then the "Packages Installed" node.
  3. Right-mouse click the Packages Installed icon and choose "New," and then "Package."
  4. Choose to create and empty package. Name the package "SPMSample" and have it run as the interactive user.
  5. Select the Components folder under the newly-created package, right- mouse click and choose "New," and then choose "Component."
  6. Choose 'Import component(s) that are already registered' and choose SPMSample.Class1 from the list that is displayed.
You should now be able to run your client application and set and retrieve the Shared Property Manager value.

NOTE: It is assumed here that the client will be run on the same machine as MTS.


MTS 2.0 Help File

186342 : How To Create a Simple 3-Tier App Using VB, MTS, and SQL Server

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:7/15/2004
Keywords:kbhowto KB191235