When you attempt to print to a Canon Bubble Jet printer, or Canon
MultiPass printer from Microsoft Publisher 98 running on Windows 98,
your publication may not be printed correctly. For example, you may
experience one of the following symptoms:
- Garbled text.
- Unwanted lines, characters and/or boxes.
- Missing colors.
This problem has been reported with the following Canon printers:
- Canon BJC-80
- Canon BJC-250
- Canon BJC-4200
- Canon BJC-4300
- Canon C-5000
- Canon MultiPass
- Canon C-2500 MultiPass
- Canon C-3000 MultiPass
Method 1: Use an Updated Printer Driver
Download and install the updated Windows 98 Canon printer drivers from
Canon Computer Systems' World Wide Web Site:
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The third-party products that are discussed in this article are manufactured by companies that are independent of Microsoft. Microsoft makes no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding the performance or reliability of these products.
Method 2: Use Printer Emulation
If an updated driver is not available, install one of the following
Drivers that emulates your printer:
If you are using Use this Driver for
This Canon Printer Printer Emulation
BJC-80 BJC70, Epson LQ-2550
BJC-250 BJC80, Epson LQ 510
BJC-4200 BJC4000 or BJC800
BJC-4300 BJC4000 or BJC800
C5000 MultiPass Use version 3.95, this version eliminates
the MultiPass server software and there
is actually an option for the 5000
MultiPass in the driver files.
C2500 MultiPass Same as above.
C3000 MultiPass Same as above.