This article describes how to accomplish the following:
- Create table-of-contents entry fields (TC fields) and build a table of
- Create index entry fields (XE fields) and build an index
There are two ways to mark table of contents items: you can create a custom
menu command, or you can use the keyboard.
Method 1: Using a Custom Menu Command
Part A: To add the MarkTableofContentsEntry menu command to the Insert
menu, follow these steps:
- On the Tools menu, click Customize, and then click the Menus tab.
- In the Categories list, select Insert.
- In the Commands list, select MarkTableOfContentsEntry.
- Verify that "&Insert" is in the Change What Menu box, and click Add.
- Click Close.
Part B: To mark the text for inclusion in the table of contents, follow
these steps:
- Select (highlight) the text you want to include.
- On the Insert menu, click Mark Table Of Contents Entry.
- In the Entry box, modify the text if you want it to be different from
the selected text.
- In the Table Identifier list, select C for table of contents.
- From the Level list, select a level for the table of contents entry.
- Click Mark.
- Click Close.
- Repeat steps 1 through 7 of this procedure for each table of contents
entry in your document.
Method 2: Using the Keyboard
- Select the word or words that you want to include as a table of contents
- Press ALT+SHIFT+O (Windows) or COMMAND+OPTION+SHIFT+O (Macintosh).
The "Mark Table of Contents Entry" dialog box appears.
- In the Entry box, modify the text if you want it to be different from
the selected text.
- From the Table Identifier list, select C for table of contents.
- From the Level list, select a level for the table of contents entry.
- Click Mark.
- Click Close.
- Repeat steps 1 through 7 for each table of contents entry you want to
Building the Table of Contents
To build the table of contents, follow these steps:
- Position the insertion point where you want your table of contents
to appear.
- On the Insert menu, click Index And Tables.
- Click the Table Of Contents tab, and then click the Options button.
- Click to select the Table Entry Fields check box, and choose any styles
you also want to include in the table of contents.
- Click OK twice.
The table of contents will be inserted at the location of the insertion
To mark and index entry, you can use any of the following methods:
- Use a custom menu command
- Use a standard menu command
- Use the keyboard
- Use a concordance file
Method 1: Using a Custom Menu Command
Part A: To add the MarkIndexEntry command to the Insert menu, follow these
- On the Tools menu, click Customize, and then click the Menus tab.
- In the Categories list, select Insert.
- In the Commands list, select MarkIndexEntry.
- Verify that "&Insert" is in the Change What Menu box, and click Add.
- Click Close.
Part B: To mark the text for inclusion in the index, follow these steps:
- Select (highlight) the text you want to include.
- On the Insert menu, click Mark Index Entry.
- In the Main Entry box, modify the text if you want it to be
different from the selected text. Type in the subentry text and
select the desired options and page number format.
- Click Mark to mark the selected text or click the Mark
All button to mark all occurrences of the selected text.
- Click Close.
- Repeat steps 1 through 5 for each table of contents entry that you want
to create.
Method 2: Using Standard Menu Commands
To mark the text for inclusion in the index, follow these steps:
- On the Insert menu, click Index And Tables.
- On the Index tab, click the Mark Entry button.
- Type the Main Entry and Subentry text and select the desired
options and page number format.
- Click Mark.
- Repeat steps 3 and 4 of this procedure for each index entry field that
you want to create.
- Click Close.
Method 3: Using the Keyboard
To mark the text for inclusion in the index, follow these steps:
- Select the word or words that you want to include as an index entry.
- Press ALT+SHIFT+X (Windows) or COMMAND+OPTION+SHIFT (Macintosh).
The Mark Index Entry dialog box appears.
- In the Main Entry box, modify the text if you want it to be
different from the selected text. Type in the subentry text and
select the desired options and page number format.
- Click Mark to mark the selected text or click the Mark
All button to mark all occurrences of the selected text.
- Click Close.
- Repeat steps 2 through 5 of this procedure for each index entry field.
Method 4: Using a Concordance File
Use this method when you know which words you want to index and when you
want to index all those words in the document at once.
To create an index by using a concordance file, follow these steps:
- In a new document, insert a two-column table.
- In the left column, type the words in your document that you want to
mark for indexing. Note that these entries are case sensitive.
- In the right column, type the corresponding text that you want to
appear in the index.
- Save and close this document.
- On the Insert menu, click Index And Tables.
- Click the Index tab.
- Click the AutoMark button.
- Select the file you created in steps 1 through 4 and click Open.
Word will automatically mark the words in your document.
Building the Index
To build the index, follow these steps:
- Position the insertion point where you want your index to appear.
- On the Insert menu, click Index And Tables.
- Click the Index tab, and then click OK.
The index will be inserted at the location of the insertion point.