On an Exchange Server computer that hosts a working Internet Mail Service
(Internet Mail Connector in version 4.0), after changing the "forward all
messages to host" IP address in the Connections\Message Delivery property
page of the IMS, inbound mail may start to sit in the Inbound Waiting
Delivery queue of the IMS and the administrator may start receiving the
following notifications:
Internal processing error 4115. Message from the spool file J9QXJV0J
(J9ZffVLD) seems to be looping through the routing extension of the
Internet Mail Service (IMS). Please check that the routing DLL is
configured properly.
The Administrator account, specified in the Internet Mail property page of
the Internet Mail Service, gets the following notification:
From: System Administrator < >
To: Administrator < >
Subject: Notification: Inbound Mail Failure
Date: Wednesday, April 30, 1997 1:25 PM
The following recipients did not receive the attached mail. Reasons are
listed with each recipient:
< >
MSEXCH:IMS:Org Name:Site Name:Server Name 0 (00120270) Too Many Hops
< >
MSEXCH:IMS:Org Name:Site Name:Server Name 0 (00120270) Too Many Hops
In Event Viewer, you might find the following error:
Unable to submit, send, or transfer out a message. Check
pr_recipient_type, pr_report_time. From MSExchangeIS private.
Enabling and inspecting the SMTP protocol logging shows that the inbound
messages were successfully received.