The following is a description of Function 20: - Swap Interrupt
Subroutines (Mouse Version 6.0). Function 20 allows you to get the
address and call mask for a Mouse Function 12 subroutine or to
exchange the vector and mask.
AX = 20
BX = segment of new subroutine
CX = new call mask
DX = offset of new subroutine
BX = segment of old subroutine
CX = old call mask
DX = offset of old subroutine
For more information on mouse function subroutines, refer to the
entries on Function 12. A well-coded application returns the old
subroutine address (vector) and mask via this function when it
terminates. This function is also useful for swapping between a set of
Function 12 subroutines within an application.