To resolve this problem, obtain the hotfix mentioned in the STATUS
section of this article, or wait for the next Systems Management Server
service pack. The hotfix should have the following timestamp:
5/18/98 6:11pm 110,560 Invproc.dll
Additional supporting inventory files:
3/30/98 12:45pm 149,632 Dbcnv12a.exe
3/10/98 7:56pm 19,444 Getcomp.exe
2/19/98 1:34pm 282,560 Inv32cli.exe
2/19/98 1:34pm 295,312 Invwin32.exe
8/06/98 4:15pm 536,608 Base4.dll
5/18/98 6:10pm 227,328 Invproc.dll
Additional supporting inventory files:
3/30/98 12:45pm 578,320 Dbcnv12a.exe
2/19/98 1:33pm 866,064 Inv32cli.exe
2/19/98 1:33pm 881,936 Invwin32.exe
8/06/98 4:13pm 917,264 Base4.dll
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Systems Management Server
version 1.2. This problem has been corrected in the latest U.S. service
pack for Systems Management Server version 1.2. For information on
obtaining the service pack, query on the following word in the Microsoft
Knowledge Base (without the spaces):