Microsoft Chat version 2.5 supports IRC and IRCX commands defined by the
Request for Comment (RFC) 1459 specification. The functionality of many of
these commands are available through the Chat graphical user interface
(GUI). This article includes a list of the IRC, IRCX and Microsoft Chat
commands supported by Microsoft Chat.
There are three types of IRC commands:
- Commands defined by RFC 1459 standard
- Commands defined by the extension to RFC 1459 referred to as Extensions
to the Internet Relay Chat Protocol (IRCX)
- Commands specific to a chat client
IRCX commands can only be used on IRC servers that support the IRCX
extensions. To determine if a server supports IRCX commands, type /IRCX in
the Chat message box. Some of the IRC commands with this extension will
have extra parameters. For example, the /mode command has extra parameters
supported only on IRCX servers.
NOTE: To use an IRC command in a text box, type a forward slash and then
type the command in the message box.
In the list below, certain characters indicate the type of information you
must enter:
- A pipe character (|) indicates OR.
- Angle brackets (<>) indicate the type of the information you must enter.
- Square brackets ([]) indicate an optional part of the syntax.
- Curly brackets ({}) indicate that the entry can be multiple.
For example, if the syntax given is:
/Msg <Nickname|room_name>{,< Nickname|room_name >}<message>
you can type:
/Msg SusanB,JoeC How are you?
NOTE: If you are unsure of the syntax for a command, type the command name
in the message box. The syntax for the command you typed is displayed in a
Chat dialog box.
/Access (IRCX only)
/Access <room_name> ADD|DELETE <entry_type> <nick!user@host.domain> <time>
Used by owners and hosts to specify the type of access to a room that
users are permitted. <entry_type> provides five types of access: GRANT,
/access <room_name> LIST
This parameter lists all access entries currently defined for a room.
/access <room_name> CLEAR [entry_type]
This parameter clears out either the entire access list for a room or a
specific type of entry in it. If [entry_type] is omitted, all entries will
be cleared.
NOTE: Only a room owner can use /access <room_name> CLEAR on OWNER
/Action <text>,BR/>
Displays your nickname followed by the specified text.
Used to find the name of the administrator of the server.
Notifies members of your return to the chat room after being Away. (See
next entry.)
/Away <reason>
Changes your setting to Away and displays your reason.
/create<room_name><modes><mode arguments>
Makes a new room and sets its properties. See the /Mode command below for
possible arguments.
Queries the server for information.
/Invite <nickname><room_name>
Invites another user to join your room.
Queries the server for IRCX compatibility.
/Ison {<nickname> <space><nickname>}
Verifies whether one or more specific users are on the server.
/Join <room_name>[<password>]
Creates or joins a room.
Used by room hosts to kick out users from the specified room.
/Kill <nickname|room_name>[<reason>]
Used by system operators to remove a user from a server. The same command,
if applied to a room name, closes the specified room.
Returns a list of all servers known by the server queried.
/List [<room_name>]
Opens the Room List dialog box. To check for specific rooms, specify their
names separated by commas, but not spaces. Wild cards allowed.
/Listx [<room_name>]
Returns a list of all the rooms and their topics in the Status window. To
check for specific rooms, specify their names separated by commas, but not
spaces. Wild cards allowed.
/Me <message>
Displays your nickname followed by the specified text. (Same as /Action)
/Mode (Nickname)
/Mode <nickname><user_modes>
Changes the user mode of the specified nickname. The plus sign (+) before
the <user_modes> changes the user's mode as described below; the minus
sign ( - ) removes the mode from the user.
<user_modes> are as follows:
i Marks the user as invisible.
o Marks the user as an operator.
q Allows a room owner to give owner status to another user. (IRCX only)
/Mode (Room_name)
The plus sign (+) before the <room_modes> changes the room's mode as
described below; the minus sign ( - ) removes the mode from the room.
<room_modes> are as follows:
<room_modes> are as follows:
a Sets the room mode so that only authenticated users can join the
room. Only system administrators can use this argument. (IRCX only)
b Sets a ban to keep users out.
d Sets a room mode so that when a room is full another room is
created. Only system administrators use this argument. (IRCX only)
h Sets hidden room mode. (IRCX only)
i Sets invitation-only room mode.
k Sets a room password.
l Sets the user limit in the room.
m Sets moderated room mode.
n Marks the room so no messages can be sent from outside the room.
o Gives operator privileges to a user for a specified room.
p Sets private room mode.
r Sets registered room mode. (IRCX only)
s Sets secret room mode.
t Sets room mode so that hosts and owners are the only ones who can
change the room topic.
u Sets room mode so that messages are sent to hosts if the user
cannot enter the room. (IRCX only)
v Sets the room mode so that the user can speak on a moderated room.
w Sets the room mode so no one can whisper in the room.(IRCX only)
x Sets auditorium room mode. Can only be used with /Create. (IRCX
z Sets room mode so users can see whether a service on the server is
monitoring the room. This mode is set by the server. (IRCX only)
Displays the server's message of the day in the Status window.
/Msg <nickname|room_name>{,< nickname|room_name >}<message>
Sends a message as a whisper to one or more users (if you use nicknames)
or as a regular message to everyone in the room you are in (if you specify
a room name).
Displays a list of other users connected to your server in the Status
/Nick <nickname>
Changes your nickname.
/Notice <nickname><message>
Opens the recipient's Whisper Box with your message.
/Oper (IRCX only)
/Oper <user_name><password>
Changes user status to operator status.
Used by you to leave the current room.
/Privmsg (same as /Msg)
/Privmsg <nickname|room_name>{,<nickname|room_name>}<message>
Sends a message as a whisper to one or more users (if you use nicknames)
or as a regular message to everyone in the room you are in (if you specify
a room name).
/Prop <room_name> <property_name> <parameters>
Allows room owners to modify extended room properties that are available
on IRCX servers.
<room_name> is the room where the settings should be applied.
<property_name> is the property of the room to modify.
The available properties are:
OwnerKey <OwnerKey> Sets a room password that will grant owner status to
anyone who joins that room using the owner key.
HostKey <HostKey> Sets a room password that will grant host status to
anyone who joins that room using the host key.
MemberKey <MemberKey> Sets a room password that all users must use to join
the room.
OnJoin:<message> Sets a message to be sent to anyone who joins the room.
If <message> is omitted, the current OnJoin message will be cleared.
OnPart:<message> Sets a message to be sent to anyone who leaves the room.
If <message> is omitted, the current OnPart message will be cleared.
Closes your connection to the server.
/Quote (same as /Raw)
/Quote <command>
Allows you to send commands to the server unprocessed. For example, for
commands that Chat doesn't support, you can use /raw to send the command
to the server.
/Raw <command>
Allows you to send commands to the server unprocessed. For example, for
commands that Chat doesn't support, you can use /raw to send the command
to the server.
/Server <server[port]network>
Connects you to a server or network.
/Sound <nickname|room_name><"sound_file">[<message>]
Sends a sound file to the selected user or room.
/Sound off
Stops the playing of any sound file on your computer.
/Think <message>
Displays a message as a thought.
Returns the server name, as well as the local date and time of the server.
/Topic (Room host)
Used by room host to set a topic for the current room.
/Topic: (All users)
/Topic <room_name>
Displays the room topic in the Status window.
/Userhost <nickname>{<space><nickname>}
Verifies whether selected users are signed on to the server.
Queries the server and returns its version to the Status window.
/Who [<nickname>]
Displays the users who match the query, if there are any, in the User List
dialog box. Wildcards allowed.
/Whois <nickname>{,<nickname>}
Displays information on selected user(s) in the Status window.
/Whisper <room_name><nickname>
Sends a whisper to the selected user.